Currently in development with a release planned to happen in 2021, Gravity in Space is a fully 3D space shooter with six degrees of freedom.
This is not a traditional space shooter though, it's not an arcade-like experience either and not a Descent-like either. You are in space, controlling a strange little spaceship-ball with a peculiar cannon on the top. The developer describes it as an "ultimate synthesis of an astrodynamics simulation and an action shooter". Gravity in Space bounds you to Newton's laws of motion, making you think differently to control your craft indirectly with "no air resistance, no maximum speed, no limits".
The plan is to have a single-player challenge mode, one that teaches you the ropes and then eventually when you've mastered some of the basics you will be able to jump into online multiplayer to face off in space against other pilots across the world all sat in their own little ship.
Levels available will be quite varied too. While the physics are trying to be accurate, the actual levels you blast through are taking a little more artistic flair to them with flying through celestial objects, flying carefully between hundreds of asteroids, burning around planets and more. Check out out in the trailer below:

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We spoke to the developer who confirmed they will be supporting Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 specifically) but they mentioned that "any more or less new 64-bit-Linux distribution should work".
You can wishlist / follow this unique space-action shooter on Steam. It will enter Early Access first.
Last edited by Shmerl on 27 Nov 2020 at 6:35 pm UTC
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