The open source DXVK project which translates D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 to Vulkan for use with Linux and the Wine compatibility layer has a new release up.
A little while between releases, since a lot of the current effort from contributors is going into VKD3D-Proton which is the D3D12 to Vulkan layer. Still though, DXVK isn't quite done and will see plenty of updates over time as and when needed.
DXVK 1.7.3 comes with these changes and improvements:
- Added support for new DXGI interfaces introduced in Windows 10 version 1809.
- Added an option to scale the HUD on high-DPI displays. Refer to the README for details. (#771)
- Changed generated D3D11 shader code to allow drivers to optimize away texture operations in case no texture is bound.
- Fixed some old D3D9 games crashing on RADV due to invalid shader code.
- Fixed Vulkan validation errors when the HUD is active.
- Optimized away redundant render target clears in some games to potentially increase performance.
- Indirect draw batching can now work with arbitrary strides. This may slightly reduce the draw call count in Trine 4.
- EverQuest 2 Fixed broken cloth rendering on Nvidia. (#1832)
- Trine 4: Fixed rendering issues that would occur on some Nvidia GPUs as well as on RADV. (#1816)
You can find it up on GitHub.
As a reminder: if you're making use of Steam Play Proton which includes DXVK - you can upgrade this by itself, without waiting for a new Proton release. To do so you can just overwrite the existing DXVK files with the release download of DXVK 1.7.3. You can find your Proton install somewhere like this (depending on your Steam Library drives):
path-to-your/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton x.x/dist
Where x.x is whatever Proton version installed you wish to give a new DXVK.
Inside there you will see "lib" and "lib64", for 32bit and 64bit. Inside each of those, there's a "wine" folder and inside there is a "dxvk" folder and that's where you replace the files with new versions. Do so at your own risk but it's usually harmless. If you mess anything up, one way to ensure it gets reinstalled cleanly is just to remove the "/dist" folder.

Last edited by mrdeathjr on 2 Dec 2020 at 10:27 pm UTC
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