The end of 2020 will shortly be upon us, so we wanted to offer our best wishes to all of our readers. It's been quite a year hasn't it? One to remember, or one to try hard to forget? A bit of both when it comes to the world I think. COVID19 sure did a number on the human race but there is a light at the end of the tunnel for us all it seems.
Through this year we've seen a lot of fun things for Linux gaming including tons of exceptional indie games being released. Certainly hasn't been a dull year! You can see some of my own favourites right here. We also had Vulkan Ray Tracing officially released - finally, that is quite exciting for the future of games. Valve are also continuing to put resources into many different parts of Linux and Linux gaming through Steam Play, driver upgrades, the newer container system and lots more that continue to mature. There's so many moving parts to keep everything exciting that we can't wait to see evolve even further through 2021.
For us here, it's been another knockout year. Just like with 2019, we've seen 2020 be our busiest year on record. Hopefully that trend continues for us and Linux overall, like with the Linux share on Steam continuing to see a slow gradual trend upwards.
If you need help with Linux and / or gaming - remember to hop on over to our Forum. It's a much better place than chat rooms like Discord, Telegram and others because search engines index the forum, and solved issues can be found by others!
As of now, we shall be taking our winter break. So we shall be away and resting between December 24 - 27 and we shall be away again likely December 31 - January 1 (possibly longer). Time to catch up on some of our own games and have that all important family time.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year from GamingOnLinux. Here's to hopefully 2021 not being terrible. Stay warm, stay safe and all the best from us.
If you wish to support us you can find out how here.
Yeah, it's cringe... still... a happy holidays greeting for everybody :D
It's recorded and played on Linux (but intro and outro done by somebody else, I don't have those skills).
...and thanks for the good work to all the GOL staff!
Last edited by dorron on 23 Dec 2020 at 12:57 pm UTC
Thanks Liam for your devotion to this site !
Happy holidays and merry christmas, let's hope for a better next year (in terms of Covid-19).
Last edited by theghost on 24 Dec 2020 at 11:39 am UTC
See you in the new year!
Happy holidays, happy new year!
It can't get worse... or can it? X)
With your permission, I will relate my last week here, as a final comedy of what 2020 has been, hoping to cheer up a bit if someone is somewhat down.
I was supposed to be flying back home (Spain) today, but that didn't because on Saturday, B.Johnson announced Tier 4 in London, which means we aren't allowed to leave the country.
After a couple of hours on the phone I managed to cancel my fit-to-fly test for COVID-19, but not so lucky with the airline. In the meantime, I hear reports that Spain isn't closing the borders, or checking PCR results, and people are going back for holidays like flies go to shit. So I say to myself, maybe worth trying to go to the airport anyway and see what happens.
Four hours passed and I realized my wallet isn't anywhere in the house. Great. The only places that I've been in the whole day are two parks walking the pooch. Great, it's pouring outside, and dark already. That will have to wait. Going back home is out of the options, can't go anywhere without cards, oyster or money.
Sunday comes, I start feeling a bit sick, and the only thing that makes it better, it's knowing that my partner will try to come earlier from her country, just in case things go worse and gets stranded there. On Monday, after 7 bloody hours on the phone, I managed to get a voucher for my flight.
My partner calls me, her flight has been cancelled. She books another one for the following day. In a couple of hours, cancelled as well. I start feeling worse, and I'm told to isolate, get tested, and wait for results.
What can I do? I ask myself. Well, at least there's food in the fridge... Except that it isn't much, I almost finished all the fresh produced, so it didn't go bad whilst we were gone. Ok then, I can order something from the supermarket to get it delivered.
Ha! Why would I be able to do so? Shortage of produce and shops not delivering food any longer until the end of Christmas period, but before NE. Fine, all good. I just sneak out to withdraw some money and go to one of the grocery shops down the corner that accept only cash... No you don't! You lost the cards, remember? My brain reminds me.
So, here I am, surviving with delivered and canned food xD
At least no one found the cards and didn't have to cancel them, that would be eve unluckier.
Fun times :D
P.S: Crossing my fingers all the time so the PC, boiler, internet or electricity don't suffer any hiccups during these days lol
P.S: Feeling absolutely fine now, most likely was a man flu and nothing else
Last edited by Arehandoro on 23 Dec 2020 at 5:42 pm UTC
Fun times :D
"There is a Chinese curse which says, 'May he live in interesting times.'"
Stay safe and sane and all!
I better get some gaming done now I'm on holiday!
Merry xmas and Happy new year to everyone.
God Jul and Merry Christmas everyone! Special thanks and well wishes to Liam et al and the whole GoL community for making 2020 less crappy!
Last edited by jens on 25 Dec 2020 at 6:17 am UTC
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