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Ready to cure the world? Ndemic Creations have released another small bit of info for Plague Inc: The Cure, the upcoming expansion to the excellent Plague Inc: Evolved. We already knew it was coming and that it would be free for all players until they deem COVID-19 to be "under control". Now we know that it will be here in "early" 2021, and their new Steam page is up with some extra details so you can follow it along and wishlist it ready.

Here's the details from the new Steam page:

  • Hunt the Disease: Dispatch research teams around the world to find patient zero, track the spread of the outbreak and support local responses.
  • Control the Outbreak: Implement measures such as contact tracing, lockdowns and border closures to limit the spread of the outbreak, whilst getting people to wash their hands and preparing hospitals to prevent them getting overwhelmed.
  • Support the Economy: People won’t comply with poorly designed quarantine measures; use furlough schemes and other policies to drive community support and consensus.
  • Develop a Vaccine: Research, manufacture and distribute a vaccine to stop the disease. Work carefully and promote global cooperation to accelerate development.

I imagine the gameplay mechanics from the base game lend themselves quite well to the opposite side, so I'm really keen to see all the dedicated tweaks they're doing for it since they've been working together with health experts from various organisations including the WHO, CEPI and GOARN and they say that "Plague Inc: The Cure is an engaging and timely simulation of a global disease response".

You can buy the full game of Plague Inc: Evolved on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Mountain Man Dec 25, 2020
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: Mountain Manthe Chinese coronavirus
Parroting this xenophobic name invented by American right-wing politicians really underlines your ignorance.

The term "Chinese coronavirus" is no more xenophobic than any other common term for illnesses based on their point of origin like Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome, Zika fever, German measles, Ebola, and dozens more.
tuubi Dec 25, 2020
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Quoting: Mountain ManAs for mask use, there is actually no good evidence that it can stop or even slow the spread of influenza like the Chinese coronavirus.
Plenty of studies that show that masks have a significant effect if used correctly. Here's one I read recently. They don't stop the spread completely, but they are useful. Good thing wearing masks isn't much of a problem for most of us.

Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: Mountain Manthe Chinese coronavirus
Parroting this xenophobic name invented by American right-wing politicians really underlines your ignorance.

The term "Chinese coronavirus" is no more xenophobic than any other common term for illnesses based on their point of origin like Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome, Zika fever, German measles, Ebola, and dozens more.
Then why is this term never used by anyone in the medical professions? Or the media, unless they're pushing a certain brand of politics and trying to make a point? This can't be said about any of the other names you mentioned.

Of course you can call it the Chinese virus if you want, but that will result in some of us taking you less seriously.

Last edited by tuubi on 25 December 2020 at 8:30 pm UTC
Philadelphus Dec 25, 2020
Quoting: slaapliedjeAgreed. My only point was that China used to be isolationist. https://www.gavinmenzies.net/ has some interesting books about why / when they became that way. But for sure, not now. Don't have any other explanation to why it works that way in the game. Bug?
Ah, fair enough, apologies if I misinterpreted you. I think Plague Inc. actually does have pretty good models when looking at single countries, it's just in the "country to country spread" that I feel like their models are less-than-realistic based on what we've seen over the past year. But maybe I just have bad luck getting my pathogens to spread.
slaapliedje Dec 26, 2020
Quoting: Philadelphus
Quoting: slaapliedjeAgreed. My only point was that China used to be isolationist. https://www.gavinmenzies.net/ has some interesting books about why / when they became that way. But for sure, not now. Don't have any other explanation to why it works that way in the game. Bug?
Ah, fair enough, apologies if I misinterpreted you. I think Plague Inc. actually does have pretty good models when looking at single countries, it's just in the "country to country spread" that I feel like their models are less-than-realistic based on what we've seen over the past year. But maybe I just have bad luck getting my pathogens to spread.
Ha, yeah I think the best spread method is to have it infect birds. It definitely is an interesting strategy game, I should play it some more.

For sure China isn't isolationist anymore, they basically make everything for the world at this point, and then copy and sell designs locally to themselves (and others). Crazy how much the world now depends on their factories.
Purple Library Guy Dec 28, 2020
Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: Purple Library GuyFinally, China. China wiped the disease out within their borders. They eliminated it, before any vaccine arrived. They're already back to economic growth and living normally. Because they didn't fuck around.
China claims they wiped the virus out, but they were also the ones claiming early on that there was no risk of person-to-person transmission despite the fact that they perfectly well knew the truth. They deliberately kept the rest of world in the dark for months about the potential dangers of the Chinese coronavirus, so why are you trusting them now?
Here's a timeline.
Show me when your months happened.

QuoteAs for mask use, there is actually no good evidence that it can stop or even slow the spread of influenza like the Chinese coronavirus. There are actually studies going back for years that prove this, but when it came to this latest "emergency", governments operated on the logic of "We must do something" even if that "something" isn't actually effective. Case in point, there has been high mask and social distancing compliance in my state since at least August of this year, and yet things are supposedly worse now than they were before all the draconian measures were instituted. As the saying goes, if masks, then why aren't they working?
They're working pretty well about everywhere else, so I guess your state must be doing something pretty damn incompetent. Or perhaps the people making those claims haven't quite twigged to the incubation period lag, so they think that if they institute a measure it should stop the growth in cases right now, rather than in two weeks. Or, maybe you're just listening to liars.

Side note: You said "influenza like the Chinese coronavirus". This is an ambiguous phrase to parse. Did you mean that masks don't stop the spread of influenza, just as they don't stop the spread of the coronavirus? (In which case you're just wrong)
Or did you mean that masks don't stop the spread of influenza such as the coronavirus, ie is it meant to be a quiet allegation that Covid is a form of influenza? If so you're doubly wrong. 'Cause, like, it isn't you know. Coronaviruses are a different bunch from flu viruses.
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