A big feature players have been asking for a long time is now live in the Factorio 1.1 update, and it should run smoother than ever with big factories.
Blueprint flipping is the big headline feature here, allowing you to pretty much copy and paste creations while also now flipping them around. They repeatedly said no on it but then they wanted it and so they hooked it up in a way that only allows it for blueprints that can flip properly (preventing giving you a bunch of broken creations).
Seems to work okay too:
Lots more than just that arrived with Factorio 1.1 including:
- Spider waypoints and the ability to set spiders to to follow other things. Making controlling the big spider mechs a huge amount easier.
- Smart belt building to lock quick building into a direction, and automatic underground belt traversal. Building belts nicely has never been easier looking at it.
- Multithreaded belts to help boost performance. This will be especially noticeable in the later game stage.
- New Train Overview GUI.
- Much faster saved games.
That's just the basic gist of it, you can see the full details of the 1.1 update here.
Factorio is an absolutely incredible game and I imagine most people who've put a few hours into it will agree. Looking at Steam, it's hit over 87,000 user reviews now and still remains on an Overwhelmingly Positive rating. That's pretty amazing and so hopefully they can keep on expanding it for years.
You can buy a copy of Factorio from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

Also interesting that they're still making effort to improve performance. I've made one pretty big base (2.7k SPM, not gigantic, but still much bigger than most will ever build) and never dropped below 60.
Last edited by Ehvis on 30 Jan 2021 at 9:03 pm UTC
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