Prefer GOG to grab your games from? Good news on that front as Beyond a Steel Sky, the sequel to the cult classic Beneath a Steel Sky is now available on GOG and a Linux build recently went up too.
"You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal attack. You have vowed to bring him home. The trail has led you to Union City, one of the last remaining mega-cities in a world ravaged by shattering wars, and political meltdown. Union City is a utopia, its people loving life under the control of an altruistic AI: ever-attentive androids, designer living, piazzas and bars. What’s not to love? But this City has a dark underbelly..."

Direct Link
See also: some previous thoughts on it.
Now you can buy it on in addition to Steam.
As a reminder you can play the original for free if you wish to get up to speed and it's a true classic you definitely should go and play. Play it easily thanks to ScummVM.
I thoroughly enjoyed it although I never played the first one. I guess it's even better when meeting some people again after a quarter of a century... :)tbf I wouldn't remember. I mean I did play it and I enjoyed it but that's all I can say today.
I thoroughly enjoyed it although I never played the first one. I guess it's even better when meeting some people again after a quarter of a century... :)tbf I wouldn't remember. I mean I did play it and I enjoyed it but that's all I can say today.
It would be similar for me. It's been a long time. But I think it would still be great to revisit the world.
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