While SCS Software still haven't finished with the upcoming Iberia DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, they've already revealed the next one after with the Heart of Russia.
Continuing to be one of the most popular games on Steam, Euro Truck Simulator 2 regularly sees over 30,000 players online at any one time. It's no surprise then that there's a lot of excitement brewing whenever SCS tease a new location and people have been speculating for a while on this one. With Russia being such a huge country, SCS mentioned that they "cannot expect to include the whole country, we do not even dare to cover the whole of the European part in one project". Their current goal is to "reach the upper Volga river, but if you know Russian geography, perhaps think of the Oka river rather than the lower parts of Volga or Don" with it being huge anyway and comparable to the upcoming Iberia.
Check out their work in progress trailer below:

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No release date is being set yet, as everything is a bit out of order due to how long Iberia has taken, which is due out sometime in April. The Russia DLC is still "very early in development" with the core team on it developing it since mid-2020, some even longer. Once Iberia is done, more will move over to it. Whenever they do announce a date, we will let you know.
You can buy Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Humble Store and Steam.
А колдобины на дорогах будут? А маршрутки будут?без этого никак :D
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