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Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition getting another major upgrade

By - | Views: 22,077

Showing some big continued dedication to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, Beamdog have put up another huge Beta version with some pretty major additions. Development Build 8193.21 is available to try out on Steam (other platforms when stable), and it can be used along with any servers for multiplayer with the .20.1 release as normal so it's easy to test out in your favourites.

What's new? A lot!

Some of the highlights include:

  • A new game launcher UI that also includes a curated content repository, free for everyone (see below)
  • Full TTF font support throughout the game, for clearer and more adaptive text rendering
  • Fractional/floating-point UI scaling
  • Better UI skinning
  • Game/renderer performance improvements
  • Renderer: soft particle support, blending with fog
  • Water: Screen-space refractions and reflections
  • Pathfinding improvements
  • Visual Object Transform Lerping (smooth transitions)
  • New advanced script commands
  • Three new portraits sourced from the community portrait contest
  • Hundreds of fixes and smaller features

Pictured - the new single-player launcher on Linux

This new launcher should make getting into new stories a lot easier, and a bit fancier than before. Beamdog mentioned they're reaching out to creators of popular modules to get them integrated into Beamdog's curated repository. However, to keep things open anyone can host a third-party repository.

Really great work from Beamdog all around here, especially the fractional scaling options enabling players to tweak the UI and text to their liking. I wish more games had that.

Full Beta patch notes are here.

You can pick up Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition from GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Zappor Mar 15, 2021
Yes, finally better fonts! Going to pick this up again! 🙂
LordDaveTheKind Mar 15, 2021
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Still one of the best games of all times imho.
DamonLinuxPL Mar 15, 2021
Did they finally fix the problem with GLIBC properly or, as usual, do they hope that a simple recompilation will do the trick?
naegling23 Mar 15, 2021
is there any chance we will get full controller support like the console versions?
mrdeathjr Mar 15, 2021
I tested recently and runs very well

foobrew Mar 15, 2021
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I've probably purchased this game four or five times now over the years, including the original release way back when. Beamdog's EE version is fantastic. It looks and runs beautifully. I'm glad to see they keep putting effort into continually improving it too. I recently rolled a sorcerer to play through the main campaign and am loving it all over again.

Another nice and unexpected benefit has been that I can load the game and be playing within seconds. This is great when I just want to jump in for a short session and get back out. This is in contrast to something like 7DTD or Valheim which feel like they need more of a commitment due to the long load times, by comparison. Not that those games take an unreasonable amount of time to load, it's just that NWN is so dang fast.

Last edited by foobrew on 15 March 2021 at 7:28 pm UTC
Pangaea Mar 15, 2021
What happens when these useless hacks run out of classic games to ruin? They can't make anything themselves. Not that they are capable of doing a good job with the classics either, but that sadly doesn't prevent people from throwing money at them (so they can ruin some more games).
Grifter Mar 15, 2021
Quoting: PangaeaWhat happens when these useless hacks run out of classic games to ruin?

WTF are you talking about? The guy who runs beamdog came from bioware and was a big part of making OG NWN. Go deify your past somewhere else.
Pangaea Mar 15, 2021
And yet they have fuckscrewed every single of those game they have 'released'. They should be deeply ashamed of themselves. I look forward to the day they go out of business. If there is any talent in that shack, they'll find other jobs. Maybe they'll make something worth a damn too then.
Kimyrielle Mar 16, 2021
Quoting: PangaeaAnd yet they have fuckscrewed every single of those game they have 'released'. They should be deeply ashamed of themselves. I look forward to the day they go out of business. If there is any talent in that shack, they'll find other jobs. Maybe they'll make something worth a damn too then.

You're either a complete troll or have zero clue what you're talking about. Probably both. I played all these games when they were a new thing. I played all these games now. The enhanced editions do about as good a job as possible in capturing what these games were about and making it possible to play them on newer machines. Some people really need to shut up and get a clue before spitting rude nonsense into the world.
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