Ready to beat 'em up? Get ready for a fight as Skullgirls 2nd Encore now has the Annie DLC available in Beta along with the Season Pass and Linux users can get in on the fun.
Before getting into the thick of it, there's some really good news to share on two fronts. Not only is Linux support continuing, with the Linux client up to date - they've also pulled in a new developer. Well, actually, it's an old developer - sort of. They announced that Future Club, a co-op formed from the ashes of Lab Zero, has joined them on the development of Annie and the rest of the Season Pass. Perfect news if you're a Skullgirls fan.

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Now that Annie is actually here, just be aware while the DLC is available it's considered in Early Access. You will need to either own the Season Pass or the Annie DLC directly and then also play through the Beta version. However, it's done a bit differently. You don't need to manually opt into anything, as it seems they ship the Beta along with the main build and give you a switch on startup to pick the version.
Since Annie isn't yet finished, the "Story Mode and Character Tutorials/Trials will be made available once Early Access is complete" according to the developer.
You can buy a copy of Skullgirls from Humble Store and Steam.
Loved the game but Season pass stuff is rubbing everyone I know into this game the wrong way. I'm tapping out on it but I had a great time playing it over the years. Looks like I gonna have to stick to Fightcade, RetroArch and the DRMFREE version of Skullgirls for my fighting game kick.
How else would you suggest they create the extra content? All the new frames, the new voice actor work, testing, hitbox setup, game balance testing, all of this good stuff takes time and people working on it.
How else would you suggest they create the extra content? All the new frames, the new voice actor work, testing, hitbox setup, game balance testing, all of this good stuff takes time and people working on it.
I'm quoting a friend here but I'm not their demographic. I just want to buy a complete game and keep it moving.
Last edited by Mezron on 8 Mar 2021 at 1:27 pm UTC
I only play this game occasionally, but considering other online games this is par for the course. I don't like the langage of DLC's, but considering it's a fighting game if they are actually releasing 4-5 characters like years ago, it'd be worth calling it an expansion.
Even bigger games like CS:GO release weird paid content (operations) to get more money. And afaik you can just keep playing your version anyway if you don't consider the update worth the price, i still don't have Big Band etc. unlocked in mine. (but that's largely because i suck at these games and never play them online. This is one of those games i only bought because it released on linux)
I hear ya. This game is a mix of SP, Local MP and Online MP, so while I understand the nature of this it's part of the reason why I just can not trust buying games that go online in which I do not get a functional binary for my own safe keeping. I do play online but mostly with ppl I know IRL. I tried a few games last year with stranger but it was not good enough to keep me doing it.
Thankfully, I bought this when it was still selling the DRM-FREE binary on Humble Bundle which included all the DLC at the time so I have all of the characters up to Annie. I recently walked away from Steam also because other titles that I did give a chance from 2019 to 2020 updated and I no longer had access to the versions I liked.
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