DevilutionX aims to make playing the classic Diablo and Hellfire on modern systems a breeze, with a full public domain coded reimplementation and a big new 1.2 version is out now.
Once again, a community of coders doing amazing work out in the open keeping a classic game very much alive and well. For us, having proper Linux support is great too since DevilutionX offers a great many enhancements to make running such a classic less of a hassle.
So what's new in DevilutionX 1.2? A lot! Some of it includes:
- Hellfire support
- Shareware support
- Fully migrate saves between Diablo and Hellfire
- Gold picked goes to stack even when inventory is open
- Pepin automatically heals
- Show other players on the map
- Preserve list position when buying and selling items in stores
- Preserve hotkeys and active spell across games
- Set default active spell for new heroes
- Experience bar (off by default)
- Monster health bar (off by default)
- Auto equip all item types on pickup or purchase (off by default)
- Auto pickup gold (off by default)
- Run in town (off by default) (also in multiplayer)
- Disable friendly fire from arrows an spells (off by default)
- Disable quest randomization (off by default)
- Adria refills mana (off by default)
- Barbarian and Bard heroes in Diablo (off by default)
That's just gameplay related features. There's a fair amount more that came with the 1.2 release for Diablo including widescreen menus, subtitles move at the correct speed, sound volume now applies to videos, there's an AppImage for Linux users, lower memory and performance improvements, an increased limit on saved games and much more.
You can buy a copy of the classic over on the DRM-free store since you need the data files for it. Check the project itself out on the GitHub page.

Edit: you want this information.
Last edited by dpanter on 7 Apr 2021 at 4:47 pm UTC

And I'm very curious about their "Couch co-op multiplayer" feature too, more awesomeness!
DevilutionX is released to the Public Domain. The documentation and functionality provided by DevilutionX may only be utilized with assets provided by ownership of Diablo.
The source code in this repository is for non-commerical use only. If you use the source code you may not charge others for access to it or any derivative work thereof.
Last edited by chr on 8 Apr 2021 at 7:07 am UTC
I failed its installation on a ubuntumate (up-to-date with) laptop with the GOG files :'(
Last edited by Para-Gliding on 8 Apr 2021 at 8:21 am UTC
Can anyone correct me, but isn't Public Domain incompatible with imposing limitations on distribution?I would have thought, yeah.
DevilutionX is released to the Public Domain. The documentation and functionality provided by DevilutionX may only be utilized with assets provided by ownership of Diablo.
The source code in this repository is for non-commerical use only. If you use the source code you may not charge others for access to it or any derivative work thereof.
installer?Use the AppImage and simply copy the Diablo data files into the same directory, done!
Can anyone correct me, but isn't Public Domain incompatible with imposing limitations on distribution?I would have thought, yeah.
DevilutionX is released to the Public Domain. The documentation and functionality provided by DevilutionX may only be utilized with assets provided by ownership of Diablo.
The source code in this repository is for non-commerical use only. If you use the source code you may not charge others for access to it or any derivative work thereof.
Putting into Public Domain means you're waiving your intellectual rights, so anyone can use it however without restriction. "Non-commercial only" is akin to the Creative Commons non-commercial flavour of licensing.
If they wanted non-commercial only, they should update the license to be non-commercial, not freed to the Public Domain.
I'm not a lawyer or anything, so I'm only talking about what my experiences are.
They use the "Unlicense License" which states:
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
Last edited by Siinamon on 8 Apr 2021 at 10:06 am UTC
All the game rules, hitboxes, path finding, "AI", etc ...
Since this is based on a recompilation effort, I guess the game plays and feels like the original?Yes.
All the game rules, hitboxes, path finding, "AI", etc ...
As for the license, yeah it's a bit confusing atm, we are going to fix it soon.
Since this is based on a recompilation effort, I guess the game plays and feels like the original?Yes.
All the game rules, hitboxes, path finding, "AI", etc ...
As for the license, yeah it's a bit confusing atm, we are going to fix it soon.
Thank you!
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