Probably one of the coolest looking and sounding games I've seen in a long time, UNBEATABLE seems like it has everything going for it and it successfully funded on Kickstarter in only a few hours.
Describing it seems a little difficult. It combines exploration and adventure where you do activities for NPCs to build up a set-list of music tracks, with the other side being a frantic two-button rhythm combat game with a lot of visual variety. It's not particularly surprising it's done so well, it does look amazing. Against the $55,000 initial goal on their Kickstarter they're already on over $62,000 and they have another month of funding ahead.

Direct Link
What's the actual story? In the world of UNBEATABLE, music has been outlawed but a young girl named Beat has decided to bring it back but ends up in their crosshairs of the police and a "mysterious new enemy". For the art style D-Cell mentions they went for a "look like a long lost bootleg 90s VHS recording of the newest anime on the block". It will also have an original sound-track to rock out to for the rhythm side of it.
The developer has confirmed Linux support, mentioning clearly they're focused on "PC / Mac / Linux" (with PC meaning Windows). Additionally, they've created a special side-story named "UNBEATABLE [white label]" that will come to Linux as well but for Windows initially.
Check it out on Kickstarter.
Last edited by slaapliedje on 7 Apr 2021 at 3:17 pm UTC
But yeah, I feel about the same as tuubi about this.
Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 7 Apr 2021 at 5:36 pm UTC
Well animated and edited, edgy, like shards of glass.
I'd totally play this, but I simply couldn't do the rhythm combat bit.
I'll have to pass, but I'm glad this game is in the world.
The soundtrack, on the other hand, I would totally buy.
I'd totally play this, but I simply couldn't do the rhythm combat bit.
The soundtrack, on the other hand, I would totally buy.
also same.
There is a bit of a jet grind radio vibe going on here.
Last edited by Lofty on 8 Apr 2021 at 2:51 pm UTC
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