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The Invisible Hand is a first-person stockbroker experience where you try and get rich quick, while you work for the trading firm FERIOS. Your only job is to make money and as much as possible.

Just like the real thing you will buy when they're going up, sell before you make a big loss and make as much commission as possible. Of course, it's not that simple. This is, after all, a game. You can find ways to make things easier, like lobbying an influential group to affect the market or even drive down an entire currency to boost your margins. It's a cut-throat world out there.

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Developed by Power Struggle Games, a French game development collective "cheekily intent on dismantling Capitalism from the inside", through games and they say they're "unabashedly political".

On Steam, the developer mentioned a Linux build has now been provided and they're looking for feedback on it.

Check it out on Steam.

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Ratman May 8, 2021
QuoteDeveloped by Power Struggle Games, a French game development collective cheekily intent on dismantling Capitalism from the inside, through games and they say they're "unabashedly political".
If I buy their game, aren't I supporting capitalism? If they take my money, aren't they supporting capitalism? What's with all the hate for capitalism? It's the way for small studios like this to make something of themselves. Maybe they really mean corporate manipulation and greed which is something else entirely.
denyasis May 8, 2021
Robinhood, the game!

Sorry, it's the first thing that popped into my head.
I already know how to win:

1) Live below your means
2) Save
3) Invest in a total world index ETF (such as Vanguard)
4) Keep saving

That is about it, other than understanding your taxes.

Most financial mistakes come when you try to force things to happen faster than is required.
-- Morgan Housel
Purple Library Guy May 9, 2021
Quoting: Ratman
QuoteDeveloped by Power Struggle Games, a French game development collective cheekily intent on dismantling Capitalism from the inside, through games and they say they're "unabashedly political".
If I buy their game, aren't I supporting capitalism? If they take my money, aren't they supporting capitalism? What's with all the hate for capitalism? It's the way for small studios like this to make something of themselves. Maybe they really mean corporate manipulation and greed which is something else entirely.
Your comment is more or less analogous to people who say you're not allowed to worry about climate change unless your lifestyle has already been arranged to emit zero carbon. Capitalism is the system we live in, yes. Much as the folks involved in the Peasants' Revolt complained about feudalism even though they made their livelihood in it, people nowadays can complain about capitalism.
And of course people told the Peasants' Revolt folks "There Is No Alternative". And chopped their heads off. But it turns out there are alternatives to feudalism.
Dorrit May 9, 2021
Quoting: Purple Library GuyCapitalism is the system we live in
No it isn't.
One of the fundamentals of what is called Capitalism was sound money a.k.a. gold/gold standard. That stopped in 1916 and never came back.
Capitalism went from aprox. mid XVIII century to WWI and it was wonderful. It unleashed so much wealth creation as Humanity never dreamed of. We're still benefiting today. Just.
Arehandoro May 9, 2021
Quoting: Ratman
QuoteDeveloped by Power Struggle Games, a French game development collective cheekily intent on dismantling Capitalism from the inside, through games and they say they're "unabashedly political".
If I buy their game, aren't I supporting capitalism? If they take my money, aren't they supporting capitalism? What's with all the hate for capitalism? It's the way for small studios like this to make something of themselves. Maybe they really mean corporate manipulation and greed which is something else entirely.

There is economy beyond capitalism. Buying goods, or selling them, does not necessarily mean you support capitalism. One could argue that video games are per se capitalist, or any other form of entertainment, but again depending what the studio does with their money, and how it's shared, might not fall into the term capitalism.

Quoting: The_Aquabatthe problem is not capitalism the problem is crony capitalism, corrupt politicians that sale their asses to lobbyst, speculation, financial bubbles, hedge funds, etc.-

There hasn't been a communist regime that has not turn into a dictatorship and exploitation of their citizens. As well as there has not been a capitalist regime that has not turned "crony". Hedge funds, speculation, financial bubbles, etc are incentivated by capitalism. So yeah, the problem is capitalism. Corruption is an endemic problem of any sort of unequal society.

My theory is that corruption is based in status and class differentiation, and bureaucracy too, where one offers money/power to someone based on the fact that a) the offerer has more money/power than the other party and b) the other party desires to reach a new status or maintain the status quo. But I might as well be wrong.

Quoting: DorritNo it isn't.
One of the fundamentals of what is called Capitalism was sound money a.k.a. gold/gold standard. That stopped in 1916 and never came back.
Capitalism went from aprox. mid XVIII century to WWI and it was wonderful. It unleashed so much wealth creation as Humanity never dreamed of. We're still benefiting today. Just.

Neo-liberalism is just another evolution of capitalism. Same practices, same flaws. And capitalism did not start in XVIII it goes back to the Italian republics and their wealthy banks before Europeans travelled to America. Which, by the way, they were mainly funded by families/banks in Geneva.

Quoting: DorritIt unleashed so much wealth creation as Humanity never dreamed of. We're still benefiting today. Just.

This deserves a quote separately. To what cost? Hundreds of species to the brink of extinction, the air we breath is diriter than ever, climate threatening to do a mass extinction, inequality and wealth concentration are worst than ever.

Stop praising a system that is going to end up killing everything in the planet. Stop thinking that capitalism is a force of nature that can't be taken account of, changed or improved.

Last edited by Arehandoro on 9 May 2021 at 4:23 pm UTC
Dorrit May 9, 2021
Quoting: ArehandoroNeo-liberalism is just another evolution of capitalism
No, it's a perversion made possible by fiat money.
Quoting: ArehandoroAnd capitalism did not start in XVIII it goes back to the Italian republics and their wealthy banks
You're wrong, but this is not the place to deepen the conversation.
TheSHEEEP May 9, 2021
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I came here to see a bunch of "capitalism bad! Harrumph!" comments and was not disappointed.
Samsai May 9, 2021
I don't know, you might complain that this game doesn't dismantle capitalism, but it sure got all of you talking about it. :P
Purple Library Guy May 9, 2021
Quoting: TheSHEEEPI came here to see a bunch of "capitalism bad! Harrumph!" comments and was not disappointed.
Capitalism bad! Harrumph!

But I think you're being a touch unfair. It's the game designers themselves who said "Capitalism bad". The first comment was a "capitalism good! Harrumph!"
And I personally haven't even said anything about capitalism yet, I've just pointed out that it's silly to rule out of bounds all critique of any system on the basis that the person criticizing is in, and part of, the system.
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