Worldwalker Games have confirmed recently that Wildermyth, an absolutely brilliant papercraft styled RPG will hit the big 1.0 on June 15 when it leaves Early Access.
For those who haven't played it. The game mixes in elements from board games, tabletop experiences like D&D along with some well-tuned turn-based XCOM style fantasy combat. It's a lot of fun and you can play through some fantastic stories on it right now. Now that a 1.0 release has a date they've confirmed the launch will come with another brand new full campaign, improved support for generic campaigns, Steam Achievements and "some other fun stuff".

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At launch it will also be discounted.
The launch will not be the end though, they've said how they want to keep working on it afterwards. Post release content planned includes more combat map environments, the live instrument soundtrack will be added (which had its own Kickstarter campaign), a 6th campaign to unlock, performance upgrades, major modding improvements and more.
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