While we wait on the first major update to the co-op survival game Valheim, the team at Iron Gate have released a small patch to keep us going.
This is part of the update they teased recently, which includes a nice overhaul to some of the bigger creatures in the game including the Troll and the second and third boss. The Troll, for example, has more hair, nails and more defined muscles making it a bit scarier. Can't imagine meeting it for the first time again now, it was scary enough with the original model when you're quite new to it.
Here's the patch notes:
- Fixed smelter issue when a very long time has passed since visiting (10000 days)
- 30s Pre world save warning added
- Stone stair physics fix
- Inventory screen gamepad focus fix
- Large-creature visual overhaul (troll, boss-2 & boss-3)
- Troll ragdoll material fix
- Harpoon mechanics overhauled
- Engine updated (some stability improvements)
- Draugr archer visual fixes (1 & 2 star draugrs sometimes got the wrong material)
- Fixed issues when crafting station is destroyed while in use
- Creature group spawning adjusted to avoid spawning over total limit (in some cases)
- Credits updated
- Localization updates
Still remaining as one of the most popular games on Steam overall, not just for indies but still beating out many AAA titles months after release. Regularly seeing over 50,000 players each day, it's extremely impressive, although the player number isn't too surprising since it's sold multiple-millions.
I'm personally very excited by the upcoming Hearth and Home update which will bring in lots of new goodies. Once there's a date for it, we will let you know.
Buy Valheim on the Humble Store or Steam.
and then have a frigging troll flash its butt at you from the coast.
Last edited by Spirimint on 12 May 2021 at 10:42 am UTC
i must say i'm kinda disappointed by the pretty slow dev-speed. Sure, being rich overnight doesn't hire new devs immediately, but the changes since "release" are really not much, even for a small team...I was thinking the same.
But on the other hand it's quite possible they took two weeks off and are now back at it - or something along those lines.
Nothing beats sailing across the waves, looking at distant shores, letting the atmosphere and music sink in....I fully enjoy shooting them in the butt, and then stealing their skin so I can wear it. I only wish they'd add a Troll Hide rug :P
and then have a frigging troll flash its butt at you from the coast.
Though maybe it'd be cooler if we could get Lutris to support mod management or something. Seems to me a universal game launcher should have such a capability. :) Yeah yeah, I know, I should just learn to code and do it my damn self. :P
This game does bring up an interesting problem. One of the mods we'd installed had some comments about it not working on Linux, and the author of the mod wasn't even aware that the game is available for Linux, and I wonder how common that is.
Very common, none of my windows using steam friends knew that it was available on Linux and some even thought that Linux was for university labs only.. yes in 2021 with all the power and information of the internet.
It's even sadder when you remember the game was created on Linux by Linux devs.
edit* even the wiki page doesn't mention this.
Last edited by Lofty on 12 May 2021 at 5:00 pm UTC
Very common, none of my windows using steam friends knew that it was available on LinuxTo be fair, why would they?
If I was still a Windows-only user, I'd have no idea, either, because it would be pointless for me to even check that.
I only got into Linux because I was forced to for some work-related stuff.
And then noticed it's actually way better for me than Windows, so I switched.
some even thought that Linux was for university labs only.. yes in 2021 with all the power and information of the internet.I wish I could say that would surprise me

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 13 May 2021 at 5:46 am UTC
From memory, it is only the main programmer/original dev for the game that really uses linux and on a dual boot system.
They are good people though.
If you join their discord, you can see what they are about.
I have the problem that the settings in game will not save, and huge performance issues on AMD with Vulkan and OpenGL (works ok in Wine). But wine somehow fails to capture the pointer when building, so I have to to tab out and in again to make it work.
Anyone got workarounds for those?
Anyone else having issues with the game?Only problem I have seems to be related to plugins (so it hangs a bit on start up) but I use nvidia.
I have the problem that the settings in game will not save, and huge performance issues on AMD with Vulkan and OpenGL (works ok in Wine). But wine somehow fails to capture the pointer when building, so I have to to tab out and in again to make it work.
Anyone got workarounds for those?
I use
mesa_glthread=true %command%
as the launch options, which was recommended by a GoL user.
Works fine on AMD here (>77 hours and counting), although I use the OpenGL version since the vulkan one is stuttery (or was, I haven't tested it in a while, also haven't tested amdvlk, just mesa/radv).Ha, realized something last night while I was playing.
I use
mesa_glthread=true %command%
as the launch options, which was recommended by a GoL user.
We have a mod... the name of which escapes me at the moment, that lets you build chests for a single item that is stackable up to 10,000. If I load the game up with Vulkan, they look fine. If I load them up with OpenGL, the numbers become black boxes, and they look semi-transparent.
Also, weirdly if I'm running it on Vulkan from a fresh boot, the frame rate stays pretty close to 144fps (I have a 144hz monitor). But if I play with OpenGL, and even if I go back to Vulkan afterward, the frame rate takes a huge dip.
Running on a RTX 3080.
Works fine on AMD here (>77 hours and counting), although I use the OpenGL version since the vulkan one is stuttery (or was, I haven't tested it in a while, also haven't tested amdvlk, just mesa/radv).
I use
mesa_glthread=true %command%
as the launch options, which was recommended by a GoL user.
Hmh, and if you do change settings it actually saves them?
GPU whise the linux version is alot less optimized though (brings my 580 to the limit it seems - i use glthreada ofc).
I wanted to replace the card with a 5700, but at the current market it's simply not possible...
Last edited by STiAT on 18 May 2021 at 5:40 am UTC
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