Spiritfarer was an absolutely gorgeous release from Thunder Lotus in 2020 and now you can learn a little more about how it became to be and the inspiration behind it.
"Spiritfarer is a cozy management game about dying. As ferrymaster to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, and guide them across mystical seas to finally release them into the afterlife. What will you leave behind?"
The Escapist has done another of their wonderful documentary videos and it's a real good one. It's not surprising to see Spiritfarer getting attention like this, considering it turned into the best selling Thunder Lotus title yet as the developer announced back in April this year with it selling over 500,000 copies. Thunder Lotus talked about their Studio Ghibli inspiration pretty clearly too, with multiple members of the team talking about Spirited Away specifically on the whole hotel for spirits idea and their love of it.
Check it out below:

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Thank you to the devs for having done this game and level up the media as a whole!
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