Crowsworn looks pretty damn good and it appears plenty of other people feel the same way, with it only just launching on Kickstarter recently and the goal was completely smashed. Taking some inspiration from games like Hollow Knight, Bloodborne, and Devil May Cry this metroidvania has a "strong design emphasis on explorative platforming, immersive combat, and compelling storytelling".
"In Fearanndal, a dark and oppressive world, where even the air seems to carry weight, you awake from a deep slumber. You find yourself in a coffin, buried in an unmarked grave, surrounded by unfamiliar territory. Seemingly void of purpose, you venture forth attempting to retrace your steps and regain your lost memories."

Direct Link
Starting off on Kickstarter with a CA$125,000 it has rocketed past it with it now on around CA$340,000 (about £196,000). It's clearly popular and for good reason, as it sure does look good and fans of Hollow Knight are no doubt itching for more similar titles to blast through. I have to admit too, it has my total attention with that trailer. The mix of melee and brutal looking ranged abilities looks ridiculously fun and the artwork looks fantastic too.
With it being designed like a metroidvania the gameplay sees you run through a big interconnected world, one filled with possible dangers lurking in each section. You will gain various new abilities as you progress, with the game being non-linear and you'll use various abilities you unlock to gain access to new areas.
You can fund Crowsworn on Kickstarter and follow on Steam.
Just watching the trailer looks very nice but seems too similar to Hollow Knight.
No kidding. The art style seems almost directly lifted. Not just for the character, but the environments as well and some of the mechanics (that bursting down through the floor looked awfully familiar).
It seems to be bringing some new stuff to the table, but I can't help but think being that similar is a mistake.
Just watching the trailer looks very nice but seems too similar to Hollow Knight.
Seriously, that's way more than "some inspiration". I guess if you're going to copy, copy the best?
Nice to see plague doctors having a moment though!

Last edited by dpanter on 13 Jul 2021 at 7:33 pm UTC
(that bursting down through the floor looked awfully familiar).
Seriously? That has been done to some extent in a whole lot of games. We've got what.... 40 years worth of games now, at some point elements are going to be reused.
Just watching the trailer looks very nice but seems too similar to Hollow Knight.
Aw shucks. Someone copied some style from one of the best games of the last 5 years. That has never happened in the history of gaming. Gee... tell me again why they call this a metriodvania?
If they pull it off, all the power to them.
Just watching the trailer looks very nice but seems too similar to Hollow Knight.
Aw shucks. Someone copied some style from one of the best games of the last 5 years. That has never happened in the history of gaming. Gee... tell me again why they call this a metriodvania?
If they pull it off, all the power to them.
I played "Metroidvania" games since Vampire Killer (1986)
Hollow Knight HAD AN UNIQUE STYLE. In the other hand Crowsworn looks an easy copy (in the visuals and maybe in the mechanics). Play it if you want, but I prefer to give my support to the people who create new things.
But I repeat that my judgment is only based on the trailer.

I mean, from the trailer, the game does not look like a "cheap copy": it does have a nice vibe to it, the gameplay looks smooth, and there seems to be quite advanced tactics for the most expert players. If you liked Hollow Knight, you can play this one, or wait for Silksong.
Or, you may enjoy both as well

Just watching the trailer looks very nice but seems too similar to Hollow Knight.
And Ori. I'm 100% ok with this and have backed the project

But also very good. Hollow Knight was my first metroidvania, and that was definitely excellent. I have no problems with this borrowing some elements from that game. Loads of others are different anyway. No guns and different 'tools' in Hollow Knight for example. I'm intrigued and may well back it. Will be the first backed game in a long time. As long as the Linux build isn't locked to Shteam, it's all good.
There are a lot of games where the protagonist has amnesia, aren't there? I guess it's a good gimmick for games because it gives you a reason why you're involved and yet have no idea what's going on and have to find out.Funny you should mention that. The last two games I've played have used it. Either outright amnesia or some sort of "recover memory" ploy. Tried and true?
Lawsuit from Team Cherry incoming?
Probably not...

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