Yes, this isn't exactly Linux gaming (we do cover other geeky things…) but the Humble RPG Book Bundle: Starfinder is still thoroughly interesting with some physical goodies included too.
Starfinder, for readers not aware, is a science fiction fantasy RPG from Paizo Publishing. It's incredible popular, to the point that you can play various versions on some virtual tabletops like Roll20, Fantasy Grounds Unity and the excellent Foundry VTT.
The Humble RPG Book Bundle: Starfinder will give you a total of 38 items (depending on the tier you pick) which includes ebooks as you would expect from this type of bundle, maps and surprisingly some real physical items. The full bundle has the not just the Starfinder Pact Worlds Hardcover and also a full Starfinder Beginner Box which has everything you need to get going. The beginner box has a handbook, a short solo adventure, a complete set of dice, over 80 full-colour pawns, a double-sided flap-map play surface and more.

Direct Link
Considering the price of some of the bits alone, the full bundle is pretty good value actually since it would all be multiple hundreds individually. Perhaps good enough for some of our readers to take the plunge and give it a go? Have to admit, I'm definitely tempted.
Unfortunately, the bundle came only with english versions i think, not a problem for me, but having to translate everything for some of my players is a no-go.
Do they ship internationally for free? I can't find this info on the page.From what I can research, since Humble fail to properly explain it, I believe you get a code to then redeem it directly from the Paizo store but it seems shipping is extra.
Most Domestic orders: $17.00-$20.00
Most International orders: $43.00-$65.00
part below the physical items is the estimation of those extra shipping $ on top of the bundle price? Ouch!
EDIT: confirmed on [twitter ]( an estimation of shipping added on top of the bundle price. They changed the page now though, the physical items are on the full bundle and the same shipping estimates are listed only on the beginners box description
Last edited by nullzero on 30 Jul 2021 at 8:08 pm UTC
I will say if you don't already own anything, the reason they do these is a trap. Dips your toes with physical books... but then you want more... ha, I ended up with a Core book and all the bestiaries for Pathfinder 2nd Edition, and probably have no intention of playing it as I play GURPS pretty exclusively.
Although, I'm a sucker for a good source book, especially sci Fi. Not a lot of good ones out there... I have to check it out
I think it's a little too crunchy for my people. The balked at 4e...I will never understand how people think GURPS is too crunchy. It has that reputation, but the various versions of D&D should have the reputation of random rules spread out around so many books that one table is going to run things very different than another.
Although, I'm a sucker for a good source book, especially sci Fi. Not a lot of good ones out there... I have to check it out
Well that and the later editions feel like they took the video game idea of a skill tree then added it to the pen and paper games.
GURPS is only as crunchy as you want. Ha, I have been working towards showing GURPS combat vs other RPGs videos. Need to set something up for it soonish. Of course that means I will have to understand other systems.
I like GURPS because the whole system has an amazing consistency and logic to it. Been reading the Pathfinder 2e books, and they just feel all over the place.
4e only seems balked at by 3rd edition die hards, and people who loved Passive Defense (I am one of those and think the feel of the game changes, but there are definitely some nice things about 4e.)
4e only seems balked at by 3rd edition die hards, and people who loved Passive Defense (I am one of those and think the feel of the game changes, but there are definitely some nice things about 4e.)
Now that you mention 4e I got curious. What do you think of 13th Age? I had the idea it is some kind of D&D 4.5 and it is also in humble bundle.
Although, I'm a sucker for a good source book, especially sci Fi. Not a lot of good ones out there... I have to check it out
If it were not for shipping rates, having the beginner box with those extra cardboard stand-ups minis and bases would be a nice combo. The fantasy one was incredibely useful when the groups had no minis of their own.
Quoting: denyasis
I think it's a little too crunchy for my people. The balked at 4e...
Although, I'm a sucker for a good source book, especially sci Fi. Not a lot of good ones out there... I have to check it out
I will never understand how people think GURPS is too crunchy
I'm sorry, I'm confused. Isn't Starfinder based off Pathfinder like D20 based? I'm not familiar with Gurps, but I thought it was D6, right?
What I was trying to say is that, at least for my friends, Starfinder might be a little to number/mechanic heavy. They did 4e to start, but the math was a turn off for them.
Now that you mention 4e I got curious. What do you think of 13th Age? I had the idea it is some kind of D&D 4.5 and it is also in humble bundle.
My understanding is that it's a little less fantastical, right? I've heard good things about it. I looked at it years ago, but my group was more into Lasers and Feelings or Kids with Bikes than anything like a D20 system. So I didn't look into it much, since I'd have no one to play with, lol.
I will say, for sci-fi, I know my group won't like the system, but the world building is so good, I do have a bunch of Eclipse Phase source books. It's a great dystopic take on transhumanism. It even had a Fate conversion, which in my mind, makes it a better Mindjammer.
Last edited by denyasis on 31 Jul 2021 at 6:51 pm UTC
I'm sorry, I'm confused. Isn't Starfinder based off Pathfinder like D20 based? I'm not familiar with Gurps, but I thought it was D6, right?Oh, I thought your comment was about me mentioning GURPS, which people tend to say it has a crunchy feel to it (because it is more of a simulation than a cartoony feel like D&D has become).
What I was trying to say is that, at least for my friends, Starfinder might be a little to number/mechanic heavy. They did 4e to start, but the math was a turn off for them.
You're correct, Starfinder is based on Pathfinder, and Pathfinder (1st edition) is based on D&D 3.5 Edition...
GURPS being d6 based makes it cleaner, I think.
GURPS being d6 based makes it cleaner, I think.
It's all good. I think my writing was not great, sorry about that.
I too, enjoy D6 based rules. My group did ok with a slightly home ruled Traveller, and I'm thinking of trying them on D6 Space or mini6. They are definitely more into the narrative part of the game rather than simulation aspects, which is ok. I just know I'm prolly not going to get them interested in a book full of charts, lol.
Last edited by denyasis on 2 Aug 2021 at 3:37 am UTC
Ha, stay away from Role-master then!GURPS being d6 based makes it cleaner, I think.
It's all good. I think my writing was not great, sorry about that.
I too, enjoy D6 based rules. My group did ok with a slightly home ruled Traveller, and I'm thinking of trying them on D6 Space or mini6. They are definitely more into the narrative part of the game rather than simulation aspects, which is ok. I just know I'm prolly not going to get them interested in a book full of charts, lol.
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