Announced during the recent Realms Deep 2021 event, Fortune's Run is an upcoming retro-styled first-person shooter set in a hard science fiction universe.
"Fortune's Run is a retro-styled first-person shooter developed on Unity inspired by Deus Ex, EYE: Divine Cybermancy and Build Engine titles. It is set in a hard-scifi universe where entrepeneuring colonists have left countless worlds bereft of resources and opportunity. You play as Mozah Lydd'sekh, an ex-con stuck working for the soul-crushing mega-corp du jour as a result of their conditional release terms. You will lurk through rusted industrial spires and over-populated residential warrens, trying to make sense of a world long forgotten by those who built it."
Check out their brand new trailer below:
Direct Link
The game lists Linux support on Steam, and the developer confirmed Linux support in their Discord server.
Team Fortune mentioned how they "really like the technical feel of fighting games and character action titles like Monster Hunter" so what they're doing with Fortune's Run is to bring a hardcore precise shooter with "more complex combat and movement mechanics" along with a full single-player experience to run and gun through that offers up an extensive story. This is not another fast-paced Quake or Doom like experience, with a more open setting and a world filled up with different NPCs to meet.
You can follow Fortune's Run on Steam.
"Fortune's Run is a retro-styled first-person shooter developed on Unity inspired by Deus Ex, EYE: Divine Cybermancy and Build Engine titles."
Slap my knee and call me a skeleton as would the Emperah, I'm game. I've to see how much EYE aspects end up in that thing, I've a feeling that native english speakers won't manage to have as fucked up writing has StreumOnStudio had back in 2011 (it had a blind translator × "I've no idea what I'm doing" × "the plot is weird already" issue in EYE, but it made it pretty fun*), I hope we can rebind whatever skills we get to whatever we want and really push it to the limit.
Let me telefrag people, while connecting nearby enemies to them and still spitting more leads than most FPS let you do. I'll let the hacking game slide, but if that simple request is fulfilled, it'd be good. With 8 players coop it'd be great.
Before people get the wrong right idea: yes, I'm a diehard EYE fan, but none of my friends want to try it.
Last edited by MisterPaytwick on 17 Aug 2021 at 12:52 pm UTC
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