Splitgate is the popular and free to play first-person shooter with portals from 1047 Games and a fresh upgrade is out to hopefully make the experience even better.
One of the big new gameplay features is Mantling, so you can grab a ledge to help you get up onto a platform. They've not done it as a first-person grabbing animation though, instead as if your jetpack is given a tiny boost so it won't get in the way of shooting. It's something that can be turned off too if you prefer.
The Karman Station map has also seen lots of optimizations to improve performance and it has been moved back into normal map rotation. You can also now queue up multiple ranked playlists, the Rumble and Casual modes are combined into a "Quick Play" playlist, they will now be doing limited-time featured playlists that become available on weekends that will include some new mode variants and they say there's now a "lower chance" of running into bots in Quick Play.
More improvements came along for the ride like tweaks to the Contamination game mode so Zombies get 2 points per kill, there's a Last Man Standing indicator now, a New Zombie notification, new Announcement voice lines and so on.They also noted that they've fixed "various" crashes along with other minor bug fixes and improvements.

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Check out the full patch notes for more.
Play for free on Steam.
Recently the team also wrote a blog post going over the future of Splitgate and their studio after the big $100 million gathered in funding. They have some really grand ambition that's for sure as they attempt to become another AAA studio. Looks like a map editor is on the table for Splitgate too which definitely could be interesting to see.
It's a nice fix, though they could also have lowered the bridges, or made the portal surfaces in the side bunkers more visible. At least this is a generic fix for that often-frustrating situation.
I had a bit of graphical corruption on Club silo, and karman station in the main menu (looked like uninitialized-to-zero buffers). I hope this is fixed, we'll see.
Looks like they [lost a lot of players](https://steamdb.info/app/677620/graphs/) (though they say they're doing well on ps4), but that didn't stop the annoyingly slow server capacity check on login.
I also have a few other gripes with it:
- confusing menu, especially slow to navigate cosmetics and filter those that you own
- no dedicated server available
- mandatory Steam connection, no LAN or offline mode that I know, which makes it a bad proposition for LAN
Despite this, I still enjoy the gameplay, though it could be perfectible.
As usual, here's a ref code (I swear I do not post on purpose, it's just that I am playing this game a lot these days, so that makes me want to comment): E5YY8B
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