It's that time again! From now until October 7 you get to try out various new demos on Steam, watch developer livestreams and much more.
This is another wonderful chance to test out various games before they see a full release. For the games included in the event, they are supposed to be releasing somewhere between October 7, 2021 and May 1, 2022 so even if you find something you like it might be a while before you get to see the full complete thing.
As for what to check out? There's plenty — obviously. For some of our own quick-picks we can suggest a few that actually have Linux demo builds up:
APICO | Crawlyard |
Dome Romantik | Elteria Adventures |
Ex-Zodiac | Hex of the Lich |
Lumencraft | Midnight Protocol |
NeJ | Onsen Master |
Space Betrayers | TailQuest Defense |
The Garden Path | Trinity Archetype |
If you find anything especially interesting, do be sure to leave a comment.
See the full event page for more.
You can watch the official livestream below:

Direct Link
I have tried few of the games already earlier and was able to get already one of the fresh demos working. Just had to disable Steam overlay, otherwise many of the demos crash quite soon after launch.
This is basically game about beekeeping mixed with something in little bit similar to Stardew Valley or Graveyard keeper. There's crafting and most of the things have simple minigame so you have to work little bit for some things.
You can also crossbreed bees in order to find new species. Too bad I managed to make savegame that crashed the demo so I haven't been able to play it all the way though.
I also had problem launching the game via Steam client. In previous version of the demo launching once via command line made the launching via Steam client work. Latest demo however refuses to launch via either method. Launching via command line just complains that it can't connect to Steam. Might have to debug some more.
Midnight Protocol
This one has been in several festivals already. Basically if you take hacking minigame (I think Deus Ex: Mankind Divided had something that's closely related) and expand it a bit. Worth taking a look.
Game doesn't explain itself much, but so far figuring things out hasn't been too difficult. Too bad it crashed while I was playing so I haven't seen all it has to offer. Fulfills requirement of being able to pet the dog right there in the demo, so that's something.
Onsen Master
It's basically Overcooked adapted into hot spring setting. Controls take while to figure out and I haven't been able to figure out how to clean up the messes. Mess that some customers make looks bit glitchy, so maybe the game doesn't work perfectly with Mesa/AMD.
It would be interesting to hear if those demos work or do other people also get the same bugs.
Last edited by Anza on 2 Oct 2021 at 8:01 am UTC
and ex-zodiac definitely is
wait, tail quest too! how many godot games do we have on this list?
ok, never mind, i didnt understand what the list was about ...
Last edited by elmapul on 2 Oct 2021 at 3:44 am UTC
Dark Crypt
Mix between puzzle and stealth game where enemies move only when you move. Stealth part is really simplified. There's some annoyances though. Movement is tile based, but controls are bit too sensitive. Puzzles really would like you to move one tile at a time, but controls make you move easily several tiles.
Still tolerable, but I haven't tried it again once I got stuck in puzzle. Maybe the puzzle was trying to teach the level skipping mechanic or I'm just dumb. Latter is quite often true with puzzle games...
TailQuest Defense
Looks great, but might use some polish on the gameplay side. First time around I managed to trigger co-op game, but I was controlling both characters. Would have been bit different game if that mode would be intentional.
There's mechanic where certain towers shoot only enemies with certain colors and little bit weaker towers can shoot all enemies. While enemies come, you can pretty much just collect coins and try to avoid enemies. Building towers during the wave is bit slow as you have to buy seeds first and then try to get to the building site without getting hit by enemies. If that happens you throw your coins away.
I think most obvious solution would be to give the player character ability to shoot enemies. Which will affect the balance, but would give bit more point to have player character in tower defense game.
This one is tower defense game with destructible environment and mining. There's no predefined places where you can place your structures. It takes a while to learn as it teaches just the bare minimum and you have to figure out rest on your own. There's satisfying gameplay loop in there.
Explore and find resources and come back to the base before next wave and start improving the defenses or build infrastructure. You can also upgrade your drill and weapons, so you need to think about how you spend your resources. Upgrading the drill is quite worth it as it speeds up mining quite a lot.
I didn't finish the demo yet though as I freed up something that looks like lava and it kept expanding and expanding and burned everything it touched.
Still, this one is actually worth trying out.
HEY! isnt "The Garden Path" an godot game?
and ex-zodiac definitely is
wait, tail quest too! how many godot games do we have on this list?
There's much more Godot games, in the list and outside it. Which is great as there's room for open source game engine that has a chance to compete with commercial engines.
Edit: forgot Lumencraft and didn't want to create new post for it
Last edited by Anza on 2 Oct 2021 at 3:36 pm UTC
Back to the demos that I tried recently.
I have never played Star Fox, but it really seems to be influence. Basically low poly 3D shmup. Bit too hard for me, gameplay seems solid enough. Some of the mechanics are not explained, so maybe if I try it again, I might do better,
Green With Energy
Puzzle game about providing energy to houses and factories. Aims bit for realism, so solar panels need batteries and those two and maybe few other things come in different sizes. Building necessary things is one thing, but the end goal is to supply enough to meet the demand.
I tripped on the puzzle part, the first complicated level was too hard for me. Interesting concept though, though not entirely unique as next one has same theme.
Logic Light
This is pure puzzle version of Green With Energy. Puzzles might get bit repetitive, but they get bit more complicated towards end of the demo. Compared to Green With energy, this one takes teaching the player about the mechanics bit more seriously. The harder levels have still so few moving parts that they're possible to finish with some reasoning and moving pieces around.
If you're frustrated with harder puzzle games, give this one a try.
Tokyo Rogue
Endless running platformer. Refreshingly the background music is indie rock, too bad it gets bit repetitive if you're as bad as I am with platformers.
First level is just about jumping, though you have double jump straight from start. Level gets bit more creative towards the end. Next level gives you grappling hook and it was bit too hard for me.
It's retro, but it has copied also some of the good bits from the classics. It causes enough addiction that you might want to actually get good at the game. Because getting good seems to be the only way to progress in the game as there's no checkpoints. You have to be able to finish the level all the way from the beginning to the end.
This one is autobattler mixed with linear dungeon crawler. Gameplay consists of planning how to approach the dungeon floor by choosing from few cards that give some positive effects and usually also negative effects. Actual dungeon crawling is that puppet (that's what they call the characters in the game, there's bit of background story) fights through all the rooms and you have randomly cards that you can play.
I got bit stuck as at one point I couldn't get back to the dungeon and I couldn't go anywhere else either. I just had to close the game. If I retry it, let's see if it has autosaved. Otherwise I'll have to start all the way from the beginning.
Seems like it could be fun game, I couldn't just grasp few of the mechanics from the short gameplay session. There's some hints that you might be collect something from the dungeon, which would give gameplay bit more meaning between the sessions.
Galactic Chef
This one is clearly not a Overcooked clone. Instead is bit complicated cooking game where you participate in cooking competition. The cooking mechanics are bit complicated as you have to come up with your own recipes.
Flavor profiles change a bit how you prepare things. It's complicated enough that there's simulation mode that tells you about the flavor profile and you can experiment how different things affect the flavor.
I had to restart the tutorial once as it wasn't happy with my cooking. It didn't clearly state that, I just couldn't progress though the part where you're instructed to cut the food into portions.
The thing was though that I failed at the actual cooking show as there's only five minutes to prepare three different meals and I was still figuring things out. I managed to make one judge happy, but the two other judges din't get anything. Thus quite low score.
Can't really say if it's bad game, it's just that learning curve is bit steep.
Trinity Archetype
This one is basically party based Slay The Spire without cards. Cards have been replaced with skills, so there's even less randomness. There's so many similar mechanics that relation is very obvious.
For somebody who hasn't played Slay the Spire, Trinity Archetype might feel fresh enough though.
Gameplay is mostly solid, though I had few occasions where I couldn't really understand how the enemy made so much damage. Still fun game though, though I can see that it could be infuriating if your good run ends without you having no idea why.
I still have quite many demos to play, there most likely are few more demos that I haven't found and I have quite many that I have installed that I haven't played yet. 16 to be more exact and maybe few more if some demos get an update and start working. So hopefully people won't get bored about my ramblings.
Last edited by Anza on 3 Oct 2021 at 9:04 pm UTC
Sorry for the trouble - most of it is my fault.... :(
And ... yes, the hero can shoot enemies, but only in later levels :)
Should actually complain about those that could have just packaging problems to the developersMeh. If they don't have a working Linux demo then they're clearly not testing Linux. I just move on to the next thing, and they've squandered a chance at a wishlist. Maybe they'll manage a second bite of the cherry if they get their act together by launch, but maybe not. Plenty of other games.
Should actually complain about those that could have just packaging problems to the developersMeh. If they don't have a working Linux demo then they're clearly not testing Linux.
this is not always true... For example, my husband and I have been using ubuntu 95% of the time since 2007 (sometimes we have to use a different system, but only for a while).
We create linux games using linux. But despite this, one of our friends couldn't get our game running on linux!
He uses a different linux distribution ... anyway - proton helped even this time :)
@Anza many thanks for playing our demo! :)
Sorry for the trouble - most of it is my fault.... :(
And ... yes, the hero can shoot enemies, but only in later levels :)
Sounds bit like TailQuest Defense. I watched recording of the gameplay stream and even in the demo there are things to do during the wave. I almost found the cannon. I guess I was bit too busy planning for the next wave and forgot about it. Hopefully I have time to take a second look at the demo.
Meh. If they don't have a working Linux demo then they're clearly not testing Linux. I just move on to the next thing, and they've squandered a chance at a wishlist. Maybe they'll manage a second bite of the cherry if they get their act together by launch, but maybe not. Plenty of other games.
Sure, there could be developers who are not testing on Linux. I find more productive to assume the best of people instead of assuming the worst. Developers most likely are just very busy as event has strict deadline.
Yes, reporting issues takes a moment, but they won't be fixing Linux related bugs they don't know about, that's for sure. As bonus they will know that there's at least one Linux user interested in their game.
Also if enough of us actively report issues, we could test every game during first day of the event. There's at the moment hundred games included in the event that will potentially support Linux at some point (why else they would advertise Linux support). Of those, handful actually have a Linux demo (one can hope that Valve includes demo availability for the platform filter). I have bit problem that if the game works, I will play it, so I'm not effective at finding all those issues of missing executables and alike.
If error message states invalid platform, then the demo doesn't exist in the first place. With those it's bit too likely it's intentional.
It's metroidvania alright. There's some attempt at humor and it almost lands. Graphics are good and high resolution, just missing little bit of artistic style that would make them actually beautiful. I managed to finish one side quest, but then I got stuck. Seems bit average, I have seen worse.
Gedel Escape
This one is supposed to be some kind of hidden object game, though it's in 3D. I got quite confused how I was supposed to get the needed materials in order to progress, so I gave up. Seems to be Russian game and some bits are not translated, which doesn't make things easier.
The Garden Path
Quite relaxing game about exploration and maybe little bit about gardening. User interface could use some streamlining, at least keyboard players could have shortcuts for the tools for example. Also cutting plants works bit weirdly, I end up just mashing buttons in order to get cutting to start.
Also NPC:s were walking quite often against a tree or some other obstacle. Good thing about that is that they stay mostly in same place. When they do move, map helps.
Still game clearly has certain charm, only real problem is that I ran out of things to do in the demo. Hopefully full game doesn't have that problem. I liked finding new NPC:s as discussions were usually interesting.
Even if it has some faults, it's worth trying out, if you like bit more relaxed games.
Game mechanics are somewhat unique. Basically you can drag things with a tether in your ship. There's tutorial, but actual gameplay wasn't that fun. Might have to rethink the level design to better have fun with the tether mechanic. Maybe there's something interesting coming up, but I gave up before finishing the demo content.
Cloaks and Capes
One more metroidvania (I have few more in the queue that I haven't played yet). I lost interest once I had to endure seemingly unskippable introduction too many times. I died several times and gave up. Maybe there's cool coming up, but I didn't get that far.
Neverlooted Dungeon : Almost Epic Adventures™
This one is immersive sim mixed with a dungeon crawler. Immersive part is that you have interact with the environment somewhat natural way, for example you have to actually pull the lever instead of just clicking it. Being modern game, physics are simulated, which affects some puzzles. Based on the screenshots, physics can be exploited even more than in the demo.
Graphics are kind of economical. There's not lot of polygons and there's no high resolution textures anywhere. Instead usage of light and shadow make things interesting.
There's bit of humor here and there and puzzles are fun enough. Quite often looking around and paying attention is rewarded (or not paying attention is punished in case of traps).
Pacing could be little bit better, but as some places are slow only because of puzzles, if you know what you're doing, things will be lot faster.
Give this one a try.
Sounds bit like TailQuest Defense. I watched recording of the gameplay stream and even in the demo there are things to do during the wave. I almost found the cannon. I guess I was bit too busy planning for the next wave and forgot about it. Hopefully I have time to take a second look at the demo.Yes! This is our game :)
I see you are using Gentoo - did you have any problems running our game?
Sure, there could be developers who are not testing on Linux. I find more productive to assume the best of people instead of assuming the worst. Developers most likely are just very busy as event has strict deadline.+ Click to view long quote
Yes, reporting issues takes a moment, but they won't be fixing Linux related bugs they don't know about, that's for sure. As bonus they will know that there's at least one Linux user interested in their game.
Also if enough of us actively report issues, we could test every game during first day of the event. There's at the moment hundred games included in the event that will potentially support Linux at some point (why else they would advertise Linux support). Of those, handful actually have a Linux demo (one can hope that Valve includes demo availability for the platform filter). I have bit problem that if the game works, I will play it, so I'm not effective at finding all those issues of missing executables and alike.
If error message states invalid platform, then the demo doesn't exist in the first place. With those it's bit too likely it's intentional.
If I'm an existing customer that discovers a way to make a game I'm enjoying better, or if a developer reaches out to a community I'm part of asking for assistance, then of course I'm going to help. Happy to.
This isn't that. The store page is explicitly and directly an interaction between them as the seller of a product, and me as a potential customer. The demo is an advert that's trying to wow me with how much I'm going to want to buy their product. If some marketing magic has got me to the point that I'm checking out their game and the advert doesn't even work?
Guess what? I am not wowed.
On the bright side, I'm unlikely to remember anything at all about the interaction, so it's not a black mark against the developer for the future. But is it a missed opportunity? Absolutely.
Sounds bit like TailQuest Defense. I watched recording of the gameplay stream and even in the demo there are things to do during the wave. I almost found the cannon. I guess I was bit too busy planning for the next wave and forgot about it. Hopefully I have time to take a second look at the demo.Yes! This is our game :)
I see you are using Gentoo - did you have any problems running our game?
Other than odd thing where I ended up controlling both characters at the same time, I don't think that I had any technical problems. Handily my other technical details are in my profile. And if needed I can paste more information here if it's helpful.
+ Click to view long quoteSure, there could be developers who are not testing on Linux. I find more productive to assume the best of people instead of assuming the worst. Developers most likely are just very busy as event has strict deadline.
Yes, reporting issues takes a moment, but they won't be fixing Linux related bugs they don't know about, that's for sure. As bonus they will know that there's at least one Linux user interested in their game.
If I'm an existing customer that discovers a way to make a game I'm enjoying better, or if a developer reaches out to a community I'm part of asking for assistance, then of course I'm going to help. Happy to.
This isn't that. The store page is explicitly and directly an interaction between them as the seller of a product, and me as a potential customer. The demo is an advert that's trying to wow me with how much I'm going to want to buy their product. If some marketing magic has got me to the point that I'm checking out their game and the advert doesn't even work?
Guess what? I am not wowed.
If the advertisement is software, I'm not surprised it doesn't work

If it doesn't work on Windows, there will be complaints lot faster.
On the bright side, I'm unlikely to remember anything at all about the interaction, so it's not a black mark against the developer for the future. But is it a missed opportunity? Absolutely.
Yes, that's the thing. It really is a missed opportunity. I would think getting more developers out there that know how to make games for Linux that just work would be good thing. It's just that nobody is Ethan Lee when they start out, far from it. But people learn, it just takes time.
Also if they reach out, nobody might notice. Unless GamingOnLinux or something similar picks it up and makes it into an article.
Of course everybody has to draw line somewhere, I don't think anybody here gets paid to test those games. I'm just bit odd that I enjoy testing at work and during free time.
Blight is isometric survival crafting game that aims for realism. Luckily there's two difficulty levels
I haven't played lot of crafting games, maybe some Don't Starve (that order is hard to follow...), Valheim (hey, in this one not starving is actually doable) and Long Dark (why it's so cold all the sudden),. So maybe I have played some.
What Blight has is all kind of bars for stamina, hunger and thirst and the usual. So you at least in the beginning have to hunt lot of wabbits. And chop lot of wood.
Crafting system is bit complex, so there's lot of things you can do with it. What I managed to do before dying was lot of cooking and I made also some chamomile tea. If you manage to fend of hunger and thirst, there's always coyotes and blight to look out for.
There seemed to be bit of a plot also, though I didn't get far enough to see where the plot is going.
It does seem to have some potential. I can see that it's possible to get into flow of just crafting things. Especially if there's some way to get food bit more reliably. I guess this one goes into my try again later if there's time list.
Magna Graecia
Tile placement puzzle, be sure to read the rules as there's no tutorial. Basically the idea you expand land by upgrading tiles and you upgrade tiles by placing three similar ones in triangle shape where each tile has two similar tiles next to it.
Seems like good distraction for a while if you have patience for reading the rules. As is, can't be sure if there will be something that will keep you playing longer.
Retro Commander
It's clearly retro RTS for sure. Too bad I couldn't figure out how to launch the tutorial as I would have been wiped out if enemy was there to actually to kill me. There seems to be electricity and resource gathering and stuff like that. There might be good game in there, I just didn't have enough patience.
Hex the Lich
Hex based strategy with strange creatures and strange attacks. Tutorial gets you started, though user interface could indicate better which characters have actions left. Nice thing is that once you get past the level, you can buy upgrades. Upgrades can be new attacks or you can add tiles to your existing attacks.
Might be worth a revisit later, though I usually feel awake enough for strategy games.
Woodland Empire
This is as developer states, it's a city builder, but you place plants and trees instead of buildings. There's some ecology simulation going on and tutorial explains the fundamentals.
In practice it seems bit of a sandbox game with some limitations so you can't place everything right away.
I didn't get bored with it as it crashed and froze now and then. Idea is interesting, though full game would need even more stuff to be more than one hour diversion. I think demo had predators too, just didn't try them because of the instabilities.
Art of Destruction
Art of destruction pretty much sums the game. It's pretty much a toy once you figure out how to interact with it. Tab opens menu with all kinds of disasters. Some you can control, some you can't. There's also three scenarios, the default one is the most boring. Two others are better at killing your framerate.
I have seen better destruction games, but at least the demo is free.
Bees and crafting, what's not to like. The demo has been there before the event, so I assume it won't vanish. Hopefully you only bugs you'll find is the bees though. But maybe it works better for other than me.
Tower defense like game with mining. Has some learning curve, but the gameplay is solid once you get hang of it.
The Garden Path
Great atmosphere and there's also game in there. If you're not allergic to gardening, try this one out.
Neverlooted Dungeon : Almost Epic Adventures™
There's not too many immersive simulators available for Linux. This one seems to get quite lot of things right.
Woodland Empire
What can I say, I like ecology and nature simulations. Hopefully it's more stable for you than me.
Logic Light
If you need easy puzzle, this one is good diversion for a while.
If you would also tell your favorite ones, now would be good time, as said there might not be lot of time to play the games.
HEY! isnt "The Garden Path" an godot game?
and ex-zodiac definitely is
wait, tail quest too! how many godot games do we have on this list?
ok, never mind, i didnt understand what the list was about ...
I guess this is the best place to drop this. There was actually 34 games made with Godot in the Next Fest:
Half of them clearly support Linux. Some of the rest might have Linux in the roadmap, but figuring that out would need digging in quite deep as there might be just one mention in games discussions.
Last edited by Anza on 12 Oct 2021 at 3:49 pm UTC
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