The moment I'm sure plenty of our readers have been waiting for: the Steam Winter Sale 2021 is now live.
Perhaps now is a good time to stock up on some games ready for the Steam Deck? Then again, speaking from experience, my own backlog is somewhat frightening that I can't wait to dive in with on it. Still…certain games are hard to ignore when they have a particularly tasty discount going.
Some favourites or just otherwise fun games discounted for anyone needing a few suggestions.
Native support
- Baba Is You - 25% off
- Crusader Kings III - 20% off
- Despot's Game: Dystopian Army Builder - 20% off
- Jupiter Hell - 20% off
- Loop Hero - 40% off
- Project Zomboid - 33% off
- Valheim - 25% off
- Wildermyth - 25% off
- Death Stranding - 70% off
- Deep Rock Galactic - 50% off
For me personally, I'm looking at grabbing Homeworld Remastered Collection (Proton) that's a huge 90% off. I have some really fond memories of the original, playing on a PC at the time that could barely handle it. I'm a sucker for space sci-fi and RTS so it might be time to jump back in.
What will you be picking up? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
Steam often struggles to keep up with demand during these sales, so we can recommend trying the unofficial SteamDB Sales page if you find it goes down. They have a lot of filters to make it easy to find what you want.
Also you will find The Steam Awards is open for voting until January 3, 2022.

CP2077... You're finally mine!You sure it's ready yet?

I bought some co-op games for my GF and me to try.
Time to get rekt endlessly in Barotrauma.
CP2077... You're finally mine!You sure it's ready yet?
I'm about to find out.

CP2077... You're finally mine!
Great game, finished it a couple of months ago and runs perfectly fine on Linux now.
Played on an Nvidia 3060ti with DLSS working perfectly.
Valheim - 12,59€ - on your recommendation, plus my friend's
DEATH STRANDING - 17,99€ - On your recommendation
Party Panic - 2,79€ - I like local co-op games
Super Bomberman R - 7,99€ - Overpriced but I hope it's good in local co-op
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator - 0,61€ - I've been hesitating too long for that one
I hesitated to take Vainquish, Wolfenstein and a few others, we'll see later, there's still time :D
Would be easier to read if you just put the Linux games in a separate list from the Windows games.Sure, I can understand that, done.
To be honest I don't get the point of including Windows games that run via ProtonBecause it's a list of personal recommendations, and I recommended them. They work great.
To be honest I don't get the point of including Windows games that run via Proton
I can see a few sides to this debate. Personally, I think the more games that run on Linux, Proton or not, the more Linux gamers there will be, and the more worth it it will be for devs to support native Linux. A virtuous circle of sorts.
Last edited by BigJ on 24 Dec 2021 at 3:59 am UTC
To be honest I don't get the point of including Windows games that run via Proton
I can see a few sides to this debate. Personally, I think the more games that run on Linux, Proton or not, the more Linux gamers there will be, and the more worth it it will be for devs to support native Linux. A virtuous circle of sorts.
Additionally Proton / Wine is really good in preserving games. Sometimes older games that used to run on Linux got some serious issues over time (maybe just ported once then forgotten, maybe ported / developed requiring libs no longer used). Often Proton / Wine is an easy alternative to get them running again (last used by myself with The Last Door Season 1). Of course this is an argument for using free engines / runtimes but most publishers think otherwise.
CP2077... You're finally mine!You sure it's ready yet?
I'm about to find out.
Also fell for the temptation now with the sale and all, and it works way better on my old RX480 than I would have ever thought. So far only 2h in but everything seems fine for now.
The only issue is that alt-tab doesn't work at all.
Last edited by F.Ultra on 24 Dec 2021 at 8:10 pm UTC
Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun: Aiko's choice: I loved the original, the expansions looks great and mimimi deserve the purchase of the game for having a Linux build anyway.
A Plague Tale: Innocence: I've heard wonders about the story, and for £8 is a bargain.
Psychonauts 2: I did say I would buy it in GOG when Linux was released. But... sometimes one needs to eat its own words.
Banner Saga 3: To continue the game with the choices from the first 2 games.
The Witcher 3: To complete the collection in GOG and Steam.
Only one native, and the rest in Proton though :(
So far I have bough only three games.
Thimbleweed Park: this has been out quite long and now I finally understand why people like it (I played the free Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure, which helped increasing my curiosity). Not perfect game, but does have some of the same feel as the classics.
Dusk: Dusk seems to be able to include also fun things from times when FPS games were new thing. Too bad it could have copied quick saving as it existed already in original Doom. Not greatest game ever for me, but it's still fun to play few levels now and then. Each level so far has had something different. I fell out bounds once though, which is one of the reasons why I could like to have quicksave... (luckily levels are relatively short)
Carrion: Reverse horror metroidvania. Eating people as tentacle monster is fun and generally gameplay feels like it has unique twist. Seems like developers really concentrated on getting the core gameplay right first. Game might not overstay its welcome either as finishing it should take only couple of hours. No need to wait for sale though as it's on sale right now.
PS: all of the games are native
Last edited by Anza on 29 Dec 2021 at 5:50 pm UTC
Unplayed games count as Windows purchases anyway.Not if you buy them via Steam's Linux client, I'm pretty sure.
You can read more on [the GOL wiki](
Unplayed games count as Windows purchases anyway.Not if you buy them via Steam's Linux client, I'm pretty sure.
You can read more on [the GOL wiki](
That's good to know, it must have been changed at some point. Information has been bit scarce in the past.
Still shouldn't hoard games. There's always a next sale.
Last edited by Anza on 29 Dec 2021 at 5:58 pm UTC
I got some easy to jump into games for my laptop, arcade-y, casual games I can play without having to remember how to play or where I left off:
...Volo Airsport
...Donut Country
...Bridge Contructor Portal
One AAA title I've wanted to play since it was released, and that's Control Ultimate Edition
Everything else I'll happily play alone, but bought with an eye towards playing with friends:
...Shadow Warrior 2
...Styx Shards of Darkness
...Warhammer Chaosbane
...Journey to the Savage Planet
...Drake Hollow
...Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
See more from me