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Humble Bundle has announced changes are coming in February for Humble Choice, so let’s go over what they’re going to be doing.

First up, they’re moving back towards how it started with Humble Monthly. There’s only going to be one single tier at $11.99 / £8.99 / €9.99 - with regional pricing and more regions supported, except if you’re on the Classic plan you continue to be billed in USD. The amount of games will fluctuate, and hopefully mean they will be better and you will get access to all of them.

Humble said: “Our focus is to bring you maximum bang for your buck through an expertly curated mix of awesome games. The exact number of games might vary each month, but no matter what our scouts choose, our mission is to always bring you a ton of value that’s well worth the price of admission. And as always, you can skip a month whenever you want or cancel anytime.”

Next up, they’ve decided you need another launcher with the Humble app, which will only be supported on Windows. This will be required for the new, additional, Humble Games Collection. This will contain a “growing” list of curated games. On top of that the Humble Trove is being renamed to the Humble Vault, which they say will remain “DRM-free” but it will also require the Humble app.

If you pause (now called Skip) or cancel, you lose access to the Humble Games Collection and the Vault.

Humble Store discounts are also changing. It’s no longer a set 10% or 20%. Instead, it’s based on how long you keep going.

  • 1-2 months: 10%
  • 3-5 months: 15%
  • 6-11 months: 17%
  • 12+ months: 20%

It’s clearly Humble Bundle grasping at straws to try and make their business work, as clearly a lot of people were pausing (skipping) months. Reducing the store discount, and taking away parts of it if you do that, they’re of course hoping more people keep it up.

Having more in an app does make some sense, even if I groan at yet another app, as it will remind people more often about what they offer. For Linux users though, having it as Windows-only will likely mean no more Linux builds for the Trove / Vault for example, so a step backwards there, but we’re still a small market they don’t exactly need to care much about.

Once the app is out, we’ll take a look and see if it can be made to run with Wine or set as a launcher in Steam to run with Proton.

The changes come into effect on February 1. Humble have said these changes do not affect the rest of the store or bundles they will do.

What do you think about the changes?

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BlooAlien Jan 11, 2022
I think I might lose interest in Humble Bundle same as I have in GOG. I guess Steam will end up bein' my "go to" store for games going forward…
Werner Jan 11, 2022
ok i am done, i have only one month left of my Humble Monthly (Choice) after 2 1/2 years, i won't extend it and will cancle it now.
linuxjacques Jan 11, 2022
I don't like the sound of this.
flesk Jan 11, 2022
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I lost interest in Humble Bundle a long time ago, so it doesn't make much of a difference to me. Otherwise, this would definitely have been the last straw.
3zekiel Jan 11, 2022
Hmm one thing that confuses me, they say you will still be billed in dollar if you are on humble classic... But if there is only one tier, then what is the point of classic ? And why still in dollar ?
Honestly, in the last year, the only times I did not skip was because I forgot to. I kept my subscription for classic "Just in case", and because I thought I might grab the discount one month if there was a decent game I did not already have. And it never happened.
So, I guess I can just cancel now.
Mohandevir Jan 11, 2022
28/02/2020 is the day I cancelled my Humble Choice subscription. With this news, I see even less reasons to go back.
RFSharpe Jan 11, 2022
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Humble Choice is leveling up next month!

Kudos and props to the Humble Bundle Marketing Team. They did a good job of making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Not sure they are fooling anyone, but still an excellent effort!

For Humble Choice Classic Subscribers, this is a significant downgrade in so many ways.

For the "non-classic" Humble Choice Subscribers, we will see how this all shakes out. I am not horribly optimistic.

The four concerns that I have are:
1. How many games will be offered each month; since they are not guaranteeing there will be 10 games?
2. Are the games going to be of an equal or higher quality than the games offered previously?
3. How many "Epic, Origin, GOG, etc." keys will be offered in each month's bundle?
Personally, I want Steam games and nothing else.
4. How will access to the Humble Games Collection work out for Linux users?
pleasereadthemanual Jan 11, 2022
I've been on the classic subscription pricing until now, but it sounds like I should cancel and resubscribe so that I don't end up paying a 20% tax because of currency conversion.

QuoteIf you pause (now called Skip) or cancel, you lose access to the Humble Games Collection and the Vault.
This sounds like the Humble Games Collection is going to be encumbered with some form of DRM, especially because they're only accessible via the launcher. How disappointing.
Linas Jan 11, 2022
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I cancelled 2 months ago, and I am happier for it. Was getting so many games that I have no real interest or time to play, and had to justify to myself that maybe I will play them at some point. Made me feel stressed about not being able to keep up.
BlackBloodRum Jan 12, 2022
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Tbh, I've felt for a long time HB moved too far away from what it was originally.

Although, I started moving away when their bundles mostly started being windows-focused and sadly only had one or two Linux games (or sometimes none!).

As for launchers.. nah... we've got more than enough launchers jeez, I have launchers for my launchers launcher that has a launcher.

Last edited by BlackBloodRum on 12 January 2022 at 12:01 am UTC
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