Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Heart of Russia is the next big expansion for the incredibly popular trucking sim from SCS Software. The team previously showed off plenty of shots from it, however this is our first proper look at it and SCS certainly aren't holding back now with a 20 minute preview of trucking from Vyazma to Kaluga.
It's still a work in progress and SCS aren't yet ready to say when it will release.

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For more info behind the scenes, you can also check out a recent development post where SCS talked about important world markers. These special structures come in two forms with Entrance Monuments and Region Signs, each of them designating a new area in the game, so once you see them coming up you know you're officially entering their administrative area. Here's an example:
You can buy ETS2 from Humble Store and Steam.
Though Central Russia might be more attractive.

No hard feelings.

I'm not scared, I'm terrified. I have a Ukrainian pal I used to chat with on an old fan site, and I'm afraid for them. Not to mention, my cousin is one of those 8,500 soldiers on alert to deploy from here in the USA. He's with the 101st Airborne. Nuts is all I have to say to Putin!
The current situation mirrors Poland in WW2 is currently my nightmare scenario for a potential WW3. China could also take the opportunity to attack Taiwan, and then we'd be obligated to step in, Iran could pull something, then there's that idjit in North Korea... I'm praying for nothing to happen like I've been imagining for two months. I've had dreams of total nuclear annihilation

Remember what happened to Saddam Hussein? Remember what happened to Osama bin Laden? If Putin invades Ukraine he will wish before it is all over that for his and families sake, he never did. America will have his head on a silver platter. Be careful what you wish for Putin, you just might get it....AND MORE. I've always heard Putin had such a strong background in intelligence and spying, we will soon see how much intelligence he truly has, depending on how he handles this. He may calculate a new invasion would be similar to his takeover of Crimea, but that calculation would be IDIOTIC. Go ahead 'strongman', give Team America World Police another reason to have another war. We won't give any quarter and we won't allow you to surrender. GO AHEAD, TRY US. IT WON'T END WELL FOR YOU VLAD.
Remember what happened to Saddam Hussein? Remember what happened to Osama bin Laden? If Putin invades Ukraine he will wish before it is all over that for his and families sake, he never did. America will have his head on a silver platter. Be careful what you wish for Putin, you just might get it....AND MORE. I've always heard Putin had such a strong background in intelligence and spying, we will soon see how much intelligence he truly has, depending on how he handles this. He may calculate a new invasion would be similar to his takeover of Crimea, but that calculation would be IDIOTIC. Go ahead 'strongman', give Team America World Police another reason to have another war. We won't give any quarter and we won't allow you to surrender. GO AHEAD, TRY US. IT WON'T END WELL FOR YOU VLAD.
Easy fella, taking on Russia would be an entirely different beast. Bin Laden never had any real power, and Saddam folded like a house of cards. Putin has a lot of power backing him. Why do you think that none of the attempts to remove him from power have been successful? He's got his people buffaloed!
I think we'd win, but we would have hell to pay. Both Napoleon and Hitler made the mistake of a land based war with Russia. WW2 in the east was a slaughter for all involved. Hitler lost the moment he started Operation Barbarossa in June of '41. There's a reason for the saying "Never start a land war in Asia.": it's too darn big to hold!
We've already had one proxy war with Russia: see Vietnam, which I blame only on de Gaulle; we wanted a diplomatic solution but the blasted frog threatened to back out of NATO if we didn't support his claim on "French Indochina". We don't want that kind of civil unrest again. Our civilians blamed our own troops instead of asking themselves who actually caused the war. The counter-culture movement didn't care, they were too busy getting high.
Russia would ally with China, North Korea, Syria, Turkey, and Iran at the very least to fight us. That's a vast majority of the continent. Our nuclear arsenals are roughly equal. We'd destroy each other, and leave the Earth uninhabitable. Is that really what we want?
That's why I'm worried.
Putin has a lot of power backing him.Putin has a lot of support because of the US and European rhetoric. No one in Russia needs a weak-willed government that cannot respond to the attacks of the West.
Why do you think that none of the attempts to remove him from power have been successful?Because he really has a lot of support. I described the reason for this above. I think if the United States left Russia alone, then Putin would have been overthrown long ago, because there are a lot of internal problems in Russia (as in the United States), but Putin and Biden benefit from tension, this is a good card.
Do you really want a war with Russia? Russia definitely does not want this. There will be no winners.
Last edited by kido on 12 Feb 2022 at 5:44 am UTC
How does Russia threaten America? This is funny! Russia's partnership with China is a consequence of America's actions. By its actions, America is pushing Russia into the arms of China. It is time for America to attend to its domestic problems and scale back its imperial ambitions to impose its will on the world. There will no longer be a unipolar world, and it is hard for Americans to come to terms with this.
Do you really want a war with Russia? Russia definitely does not want this. There will be no winners.
Hell no, I don't want war. I believe I already stated my reasons why. However, politics aside: are you seriously defending that monster Putin? I think Wikipedia says it best:
Under Putin's leadership, Russia has shifted to authoritarianism. Experts do not generally consider Russia to be a democracy, citing the jailing and repression of political opponents, the intimidation and suppression of the free press and the lack of free and fair elections.[e] Russia has scored poorly on Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index, and Freedom House's Freedom in the World index.
He [had Alexei Navalny poisoned and jailed]( for Pete's sake! Reuters is the closest thing to unbiased as news gets as far as I know.
I see in Russia's actions a response and a reaction to the US and "West" attempts to overthrow the political authorities in Russia's neighboring states and expand NATO to the East.
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