Looks like playing Left 4 Dead 2 on the upcoming Steam Deck will be a pretty good experience, with Valve pushing out a fresh update today to be ready for it.
Part of all titles getting to the status of Verified, gamepad input needs to be rock solid. Not only that, games need to use the correct controller input icons on-screen too. This upgrade for Left 4 Dead 2 brings all that. Valve of course want their own games to be Verified as much as possible too for their own hardware!
Here's what's changed from the release notes:
- Prevent a crash when creating a depth render target texture with multiple frames
- Interface and HUD updates for Steam Deck
- Enabled rumble effects through Steam Input
- Updated Steam API
Right now though, it does have a few issues like a wrong keybind showing and some keybind icon flickering but it's definitely getting there. I did inform one of the developers involved as soon as I saw it, so no doubt it will get fixed it really soon.
I wish they added split-screen in the UI. You can launch it with the console, but it's hardly intuitive.
I didn't know that it's possible to play l4d in splitscreen on PC, lol.
No comment on the actual gameplay though, yet.
Last edited by anewson on 3 Feb 2022 at 7:02 am UTC
I wish they added split-screen in the UI. You can launch it with the console, but it's hardly intuitive.
I didn't know that it's possible to play l4d in splitscreen on PC, lol.
Actually [reading more on this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548307662), [there's a steam workshop add-on](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278735311) that adds it to the main menu :)
I wish they added split-screen in the UI. You can launch it with the console, but it's hardly intuitive.There is a mod that adds it in the UI!
I didn't know that it's possible to play l4d in splitscreen on PC, lol.I came here to talk about the split screen feature as well! But @MayeulC was first.
I wish they added split-screen in the UI. You can launch it with the console, but it's hardly intuitive.
I didn't know that it's possible to play l4d in splitscreen on PC, lol.
Actually [reading more on this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548307662), [there's a steam workshop add-on](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278735311) that adds it to the main menu :)
Ah I am blind, you already shared this here...
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