NVIDIA decided Linux gamers need a little love on Valentines Day so they put up a small driver release for you.
In comparison to previous drivers, it's not going to make any big headlines. There's no big new features, no new Vulkan extensions or performance improvements. Instead, there's quite an essential bug fix included.
The single change noted in the 510.54 driver release is "Fixed a bug that could cause GPU exceptions when minimizing a fullscreen Vulkan application on certain desktops, such as Plasma.". So if you found Vulkan games and applications causing you some major fuss on Linux with KDE Plasma (as just one example), perhaps this new driver is exactly what you're looking for.
NVIDIA only put up version 510.47.03 about two weeks ago, which gave us Vulkan 1.3 support. That built on top of a previous Beta version, so it was actually quite a big release overall anyway adding new extension support and biggies like Vulkan Dynamic Rendering.

But indeed, as soon as I disabled esync for Elite (via PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%) it was rock solid for about 3 hours. I was even able to play ED in VR High settings and experienced quite a smooth session. Just as before, desktop windows I bring into the VR space via xrdesktop are a bit jumpy, but I can live with that.
As long as the head tracking is now smooth and stable. And it was yesterday, I can't express how happy I was to have a stable session over several hours :D
PS: also disable MangoHud, at least the way I use MangoHud for vsync it seems to make ED crash in the intro scene already. So my command is
Last edited by Corben on 14 Feb 2022 at 3:37 pm UTC
I still play Dying Light Linux Native a lot and for some reason both the 495 and 510 drivers don't work as in nothing but a black screen with an off centre white box is all you see, so i still have to run 470 driver to play DL.
Report the bug to nvidia?
Chances are it's a game bug though, like relying on undefined behavior that's simply changed in new versions. Simultaneously report a bug with the dev.
I still play Dying Light Linux Native a lot and for some reason both the 495 and 510 drivers don't work as in nothing but a black screen with an off centre white box is all you see, so i still have to run 470 driver to play DL.Even if it is a game bug, it's likely exacerbated by something weird that nvidia's doing. Wouldn't be the first time.
Is dying light via Proton possible? Run the windows version?
I still play Dying Light Linux Native a lot and for some reason both the 495 and 510 drivers don't work as in nothing but a black screen with an off centre white box is all you see, so i still have to run 470 driver to play DL.
Maybe this i found today can help you.
Using compatibility layer Steam Linux Runtime and this comand : __GL_IGNORE_GLSL_EXT_REQS=1 %command%
I can play Dying Light and Dead Island Riptide DE with ubuntu 20.04LTS and Nvidia 510.60.02
Thankt to this steam post for this command : https://steamcommunity.com/app/239140/discussions/0/3178980819224664810/
Maybe this i found today can help you.
Can confirm that this fix works on 22.04 with 510.60 also! Thanks a bunch for the tip!!!
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