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GOG Games Festival is live with lots on sale and some demos up

By - | Views: 22,729

GOG continues taking a leaf out of the book of Steam with their own little demo festival, along with a big sale on tons of games. On the Linux native side, the demo selection is a bit barren and it's the same for their upcoming games list but no doubt you can get plenty of them working with Wine. There's plenty of tools available to help with that, like Bottles.

You can see all their Linux games on sale here. For a few picks these are great:

The GOG Games Festival ends April 4th, 1 PM UTC.

ICYMI: the GOG team also announced some changes planned.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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emphy Mar 21, 2022
Also includes GamingOnlinux favourite Nebuchadnezzar ^_^
kon14 Mar 21, 2022
Nah, I'll pass.
I used to buy stuff from GOG due to their DRM-free policy despite them not offering Steam-tier sales.

A whole lot has changed ever since and not a single bit of it is for the better.
Not only did CDPR publish a TW3 banner on the Steam Store's front page only to go forever silent over it, but they also just keep ignoring their long-promised Linux support for GOG, even after rebuilding their client from scratch for 2.0 and regardless of Linux support being by faaaar the most requested feature in their Galaxy wishlist.

Hell, it's even top rated in multiple threads too! 10 out of 11 recently top rated threads are all about Linux support and they have the audacity to suggest we install Windows on the SteamDeck despite them still offering native Linux builds on their store and Proton being a thing.

I hope they finally get a change of heart and get their shit together so I can get back to supporting them, but at this point it feels like they're just another inconvenient store, with pricier games, that may or may not be available for my platform and whatnot.
They're barely even DRM-free these days. Why would anyone in their right mind not just buy their stuff on Steam and call it a day at this point. They'd even be supporting Valve's efforts towards building a better desktop/graphics stack.

Last edited by kon14 on 21 March 2022 at 6:00 pm UTC
PublicNuisance Mar 21, 2022
Quoting: kon14Nah, I'll pass.
I used to buy stuff from GOG due to their DRM-free policy despite them not offering Steam-tier sales.

A whole lot has changed ever since and not a single bit of it is for the better.
Not only did CDPR publish a TW3 banner on the Steam Store's front page only to go forever silent over it, but they also just keep ignoring their long-promised Linux support for GOG, even after rebuilding their client from scratch for 2.0 and regardless of Linux support being by faaaar the most requested feature in their Galaxy wishlist.

Hell, it's even top rated in multiple threads too! 10 out of 11 recently top rated threads are all about Linux support and they have the audacity to suggest we install Windows on the SteamDeck despite them still offering native Linux builds on their store and Proton being a thing.

I hope they finally get a change of heart and get their shit together so I can get back to supporting them, but at this point it feels like they're just another inconvenient store, with pricier games, that may or may not be available for my platform and whatnot.
They're barely even DRM-free these days. Why would anyone in their right mind not just buy their stuff on Steam and call it a day at this point. They'd even be supporting Valve's efforts towards building a better desktop/graphics stack.

Might have something to do with idiots issuing death threats to CDPR over the Linux port of The Witcher 2. The Linux community had to learn the hard way that you can't pull that crap while being less than 1% of the PC gaming market and expect to do anything but become ignored. If you want to blame somebody start with the moron Linux gamers who pulled those stunts back in the day.
lukas333 Mar 21, 2022
Children of Morta recently got online coop, recommended.
kon14 Mar 21, 2022
Quoting: PublicNuisanceMight have something to do with idiots issuing death threats to CDPR over the Linux port of The Witcher 2. The Linux community had to learn the hard way that you can't pull that crap while being less than 1% of the PC gaming market and expect to do anything but become ignored. If you want to blame somebody start with the moron Linux gamers who pulled those stunts back in the day.

Are you perhaps mixing this up with people sending CDPR death threats over Cyberpunks delayed launch?
Sure, there was a big community backlash over TW2's original eON release, but I'm not aware of any death threats having been sent at the time.

In any case, that's a pretty weak excuse to say the least.
I do not personally support harassing publishers, whether one's platform of choice has 1% or 99% of the PC playerbase, but people actually falling for this are missing a key factor:

VP ported, and fixed, TW2's port before that announcement.

Why would CDPR go through with that huge "Coming to SteamOS" Steam Store banner only to pull out over somebody hurting their feelings before that?

And btw, people had every right to complain at the tdme. TW2 was originally released in an almost completely unplayable state.

Do you expect people paying the exact same price for a game and yet being subject to such a poor experience just accept things as it is and be content with it?
pleasereadthemanual Mar 21, 2022
Can't get past one mention of GOG without talking about how GOG Galaxy doesn't have a GNU/Linux build.
oberjaeger Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: kon14Sure, there was a big community backlash over TW2's original eON release, but I'm not aware of any death threats having been sent at the time.

There were. And the utter vileness that came out of the community caused actual mental harm to some of the developers. It was abysmally bad. Absolutely no forgiving it at all, and it should never be passed off lightly.

I understand some of the feeling towards the initial release of TW2, but the level of atrociousness directed at VP turned many others away from GNU/Linux because why bother putting up with that for an insignificant market? Grumpy is one thing, vicious attacks are another.

Quoting: kon14If there were DeathAre you perhaps mixing this up with people sending CDPR death threats over Cyberpunks delayed launch?

If there were also death threats at the cyberpunk launch (Cyberpunk 2077 devs are getting death threats ..., maybe CDPR should have pulled the windows version (of cyberpunks) as well?

There are idiots everywhere, even if you release cyberpunk as open source you will get hate, cause sombody just paid money for it. And if CDPR didn't pull cyberpunk for windows, the reason for their treatment of linux is not justified very well.

Last edited by oberjaeger on 22 March 2022 at 10:54 am UTC
tpau Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualCan't get past one mention of GOG without talking about how GOG Galaxy doesn't have a GNU/Linux build.

There are various tools that cover that need like MiniGalaxy and Heroic.
The latter also installs linux native builds if available.
toor Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: PublicNuisanceMight have something to do with idiots issuing death threats to CDPR over the Linux port of The Witcher 2. The Linux community had to learn the hard way that you can't pull that crap while being less than 1% of the PC gaming market and expect to do anything but become ignored. If you want to blame somebody start with the moron Linux gamers who pulled those stunts back in the day.

that just sounds like when there is a minority troublemakers in a pacifist manifestation starting a riot, it's easy to blame the whole group, but it is a mistake.

When you push unfinished/buggy products to the customers, you should expect frustration from them, even more if you do something controversial as using eON, since a game using a translation layer was not as welcomed as it is right now after Valve's Proton.
oberjaeger Mar 22, 2022
Quoting: Guest(I'll assume you misquoted me in one area btw)
I've corrected the quoting, thank you for the friendly hint :)

Quoting: GuestBasically no choice on the Windows version - it's likely about 80% or 90% of the revenue for the game. Consoles might take in some, but Windows will be the bulk of it.
No surprise, but they are having different standards for windows and GNU/Linux community.

Quoting: GuestIn any case, a couple of points: CDPR are not exactly treating GNU/Linux users badly, they're just not supporting the platform.
What they are still to blame for is their broken promises, and that falls in the category "treating GNU/Linux users badly" (at least in my view).
Comments like this one shows that they still unfriendly to GNU/Linux.

These are the issues why they, in my view, are unfit to do business with.
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