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Are you a user of NoiseTorch? It's a popular way of getting some pretty great noise suppression on your microphone, to keep out all that background noise or a hammer hitting your desk. Sadly, the developer had a machine compromised.

The developer announced on the GitHub page that a system that held some of their private keys was compromised, giving attackers the ability to mess with the code. For that reason, they're suggesting people to not trust the builds and they think the source code could be compromised too.

Such a shame for such a great app that I've used previously. However, it appears the community is coming together to review the code in an attempt to help save the project.

Alternatives exist for those of you still needing some right now like EasyEffects and Cadmus.

Hopefully they will be able to salvage the project and ensure no harm was done.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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slaapliedje May 19, 2022
That is a weird, random one to target. This day and age it is no longer paranoia, someone is out to hack you.
Lomkey May 19, 2022
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Seem to me the alternatives are breaking on me lol. It's a no go for me for now. Updated EasyEffects seem to work even better.

Last edited by Lomkey on 19 May 2022 at 2:34 pm UTC
Tuxee May 19, 2022
Quoting: slaapliedjeThat is a weird, random one to target. This day and age it is no longer paranoia, someone is out to hack you.

Why should this have been a deliberate and targeted attack? I suppose pretty much everyone (more so on Windows machines) can catch malware and become therefore compromised.
Xpander May 19, 2022
Ohh sad. I have been using this for a long time and it's been amazing tool to clean up all the background noise. I think i will still keep using the build i have, cause other similar programs never worked great for me.
Lofty May 19, 2022
Quoting: Tuxee
Quoting: slaapliedjeThat is a weird, random one to target. This day and age it is no longer paranoia, someone is out to hack you.

Why should this have been a deliberate and targeted attack? I suppose pretty much everyone (more so on Windows machines) can catch malware and become therefore compromised.

conversely this is a 'go between' microphone application so it actually fits the MO of a hacker or organization to target such a thing.

Why are Dev's still using Windows when they are developing cross platform applications ? At least use a Mac and reduce the vector of attack. It just seems dumb at this point not to use something other than Windows when it is such a well known OS for vulnerabilities (or should that be POS)

idk im pretty biased towards Linux lol. Linux is the Swiss army knife of computing .. windows is the Swiss cheese of it.
slaapliedje May 19, 2022
Quoting: Tuxee
Quoting: slaapliedjeThat is a weird, random one to target. This day and age it is no longer paranoia, someone is out to hack you.

Why should this have been a deliberate and targeted attack? I suppose pretty much everyone (more so on Windows machines) can catch malware and become therefore compromised.

Well, unless malware now is scanning systems for github keys? Not saying they aren't, but kind of sounds like at least a targeted attack toward people who host projects on github.
Mountain Man May 19, 2022
Quoting: LoftyWhy are Dev's still using Windows when they are developing cross platform applications ? At least use a Mac and reduce the vector of attack.
According to some sources, MacOS is even less secure than Windows.

Last edited by Mountain Man on 19 May 2022 at 7:45 pm UTC
ShabbyX May 19, 2022
git reset --hard last_known_good_commit
slaapliedje May 20, 2022
Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: LoftyWhy are Dev's still using Windows when they are developing cross platform applications ? At least use a Mac and reduce the vector of attack.
According to some sources, MacOS is even less secure than Windows.

Ha, but but, it has a thing that complains whenever I try something outside of the app store!! Which then you just hold down control and say 'open it anyway.'

Yeah I'm not impressed with macOS' security. Though I do have an annoying story. Paragon, who makes a lovely NTFS driver and Ext3/4 driver for macOS, clearly says they support the M1 macs. But you have to disable the security on it to have it installed. I went through the whole process and managed to write to an ext4 SD card... but then applications simply wouldn't launch. They were random ones too.... had to remove the 40 dollar software...
based May 20, 2022
This is screwed, hope there is a way to fix this.
It's the only program that works good enough for me and I NEED it
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