Since Diablo Immortal is the hot new thing, I decided to attempt to give it a go on Steam Deck. Turns out the launcher really hates some connections, here's a fix and a Diablo Immortal video.
Currently, Diablo Immortal does work on Steam Deck (and so Linux desktops too) but it seems gamepad support is not working yet. So you will need to use Steam Input to adjust your configuration of any gamepad or Steam Deck to act like a keyboard and mouse. For the most part, that works reasonably well, not that I would recommend it considering the ridiculous micro-transactions involved in the game.
Firstly, here's the video of it running:

Direct Link
You might find the launcher which you can install easily with Lutris (Steam Deck Lutris Guide) can take forever to actually load or do anything. Now, this might be specific to whatever WiFi hardware you have, in my case it's the Google Mesh WiFi system and Blizzard don't seem to like it. An easy fix though is to manually set your DNS to (or any other free DNS service). On Steam Deck, simply right click on the WiFi icon in Desktop Mode and hit Configure Network Connections:
From there in the IPv4 (and IPv6 tab if you use it), switch it to "Automatic (Only addresses)" in the Method dropdown box and then set DNS Servers to After that, disconnect and reconnect via the WiFi icon on your Plasma taskbar at the bottom and then reload and it will work properly. It's incredibly weird but it works.
Once done you can properly use the launcher on Steam Deck, if you also had this weird problem.
You can also add Lutris to Steam as a Non-Steam game, which allows you to launch Lutris and Diablo Immortal in Gaming Mode (so you're not stuck in Desktop Mode). I can confirm that also works just fine.
[...] not that I would recommend it considering the ridiculous micro-transactions involved in the game.Bit of an understatement given that apparently it costs nearly £90k to fully upgrade a character

Still, cool that it works even if it does require some faffing about with network settings.
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Jokes aside, I admire Blizzard problem solving skills:
- Develop Diablo III masterpiece
- Boardroom crooks push to ruin it with bad drop rates and real money action house
- get backlash from angry PC gamers
- Blizzard forced to release a dlc with no ah and balanced drops.
- game becomes a (true) masterpiece
- Boardroom finally learnt its lesson: for next Diablo they drop pc gamers altogether and move to mobile junkies to sell their addictive microtransaction shit.
If it wasn't that we still don't have a proper Diablo IV I would actually be grateful to them for not trying to sell us their crap again.
Food: £20Mortgage seems optional.
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Aren't there shelters that you could run this operation out of for free?
Food: £20
Internet: £30
Water: £20
Diablo Immortal Micro: £100,000
Mortgage: £400
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
There's no helping it, you need to bring back those empty bottles.
Blizzard is dead to me
Agreed. The purchase by M$ was the nail in the coffin for me. I'll continue to play D1-3 but I'm no longer interested in anything beyond that from them.
Blizzard is dead to me
Agreed. The purchase by M$ was the nail in the coffin for me. I'll continue to play D1-3 but I'm no longer interested in anything beyond that from them.
Personally I disagree. M$ has bad CV for what concerns platform lock ins, PC tech stagnation, bad software usability and whatever more. But it's not a bad game developer by any means. Their historical IPs continue to produce very good off the shelf games without microtransactions, loot boxes or other mind fucking tricks.
This Diablo is pure Activision. Based on M$ history the future looks brighter for Blizzard IPs now than in the Kotik era. Diablo 3 was as bas as this one when it was released. The drops were so bas that there was no way to progress without spending money in the AH. That's just them trying yet again to force microtransactions in the game. I guess Activision love for microtransactions is more unkillable than Diablo.

- Boardroom crooks push to ruin it with bad drop rates and real money action house
To be fair. The RMAH was NOT the broken part of Diablo 3. Most Diablo players prefer D2. D2 has trading, and thus an unofficial RMAH. Want to buy a Ber rune? Go to d2jsp.
The broken part was that in my first 200 hours of D3 at launch, I found 2 legendaries. And they were poorly itemized. A crossbow with int and a caster offhand with dex. The drop rates and itemization were broken. If they left the RMAH in place, and just fixed the drop rates then there would be no issue.
I've never paid real money in D2, because every item I would want is at least feasible to farm up. But the option is there. Having payments in a publicly traded game just happens. I'd prefer being able to publicly trade in D3 than what we have now. D2 does it better... The issue with D:I is that paying isn't an option. It's HOW you progress.
Personally I can't get it to run and I'm not entirely sure why, I use the Lutris setup and it installed, then I set up Immortal. Unfortunately when I click play it says's it's doing an update via notification, then nothing happens, no error... nothing? Wonder if anyone else has this issue or if anyone has any tips on what to do. Running Debian Stable.
Seems I managed to get it running using good ol' Play on Linux. :)
The broken part was that in my first 200 hours of D3 at launch, I found 2 legendaries. And they were poorly itemized. A crossbow with int and a caster offhand with dex. The drop rates and itemization were broken. If they left the RMAH in place, and just fixed the drop rates then there would be no issue.
Drops and items were not "broken". They were made in that way to force people to buy and sell from RMAH.
Ofc the result was poor even as a microtransaction game.
The "theory" states that the first levels must be fun and rewarding. That you should unlock frequent "free" boosts that you can collect from the store (to train people to go there). That the subsequent levels should start to be tedious, but that can become fun again using the free boosts (to teach users that boosts save them time, time is money, boost is worth XX$). And then levels should become awful to do without paid boosts (finally prompting people to spend money in it... with just some occasional free boost to "remind people" that boosts are good and to make them go to the store to discover time limited 90% discount bundle and the likes).
The problem was that D3 skipped the "whale" training phase alltogether, it gave you nothing to make you addicted to the game before asking for money and instead immediately pointed you to the RMAH. So the game was unfun from the beginning. D4 instead follows the rules of the f2p bible. Its early levels are super fun. But one who knows how f2p works, knows what comes after that. I recommand any user that is susceptible to gamble and addictive mechanics to not even try the early levels of DI (and any other f2p). The self controlled people can ofc play the fun part (the early levels) and then forget the game when it starts asking for money.
Last edited by Mal on 7 Jun 2022 at 6:49 pm UTC
you do not need Lutris for the
1. Just download the "Diablo-Immortal-Setup.exe" from the Diablo-Immortal Web-Site
2. move it somewere else than your download folder
3. add it as non-Steam game to your library.
4. Then use Proton-7.0.2 to play and you are done ;-)
Hi,Yes, you don't need Lutris, it was just how I did it. I have plenty of guides up before on doing just that for other launchers.
you do not need Lutris for the
1. Just download the "Diablo-Immortal-Setup.exe" from the Diablo-Immortal Web-Site
2. move it somewere else than your download folder
3. add it as non-Steam game to your library.
4. Then use Proton-7.0.2 to play and you are done ;-)
Personally I can't get it to run and I'm not entirely sure why, I use the Lutris setup and it installed, then I set up Immortal. Unfortunately when I click play it says's it's doing an update via notification, then nothing happens, no error... nothing? Wonder if anyone else has this issue or if anyone has any tips on what to do. Running Debian Stable.
What I found on somewhere on the net and helped me, so may help others, is renaming the d3dcompiler dlls (to lower case and replace the ones system/wine), like:
cp $DRIVEC/Diablo\ Immortal/Engine/Binaries/Win64/D3DCompiler_43.dll $DRIVEC/windows/system32/d3dcompiler_43.dll
cp $DRIVEC/Diablo\ Immortal/Engine/Binaries/Win64/D3DCompiler_47.dll $DRIVEC/windows/system32/d3dcompiler_47.dll
There was mentioned there may be cleaner way using the overrides too, but nobody there bothered to figure it out neither I, this fixed the startup of game for me.
That said, after about a day i switched to diablo 3 instead, that is way better made game then this cheap ripoff of diablo games with many technical issues (lot of crashes and such - e.g. for story blocking crash you may need - but there is many random crashes, some right after starting boss fights causing your character to die there etc), and many poorly ported parts (like Esc not closing inventory/dialogs but opening system menu on top of that, locking channeling skill buttons [disabling keyboard inputs - double press the same channeling skill key again to unblock]) ... and those microtransactions of course showing you at every corner that if you pay you can get lot more of rewards on every step (crests for rifts, market, battle pass progress ... crafting materials ...).
I've decided this is not worth my time, i may return to try bit later if it gets working better, but just for lightweight fun. Any more serious time invested in the game I personally will go to diablo3 or borderlands instead.
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