Two goodies for fans of the open source Heroic Games Launcher today. Those sticking with the stable release get some fixes, and those who want some fun can try out a huge new Beta.
For the v2.3.9 stable release the developers added in some fixes for GOG games that use DOSBox and ScummVM, further increasing the compatibility as Heroic will properly handle the configuration files for them now. Always great to see!
Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins. This is a huge change to how the app looks and works. The biggest changes include a new collapsible sidebar that stays open so you get access to many quick-functions like accessing your library, store pages, settings, the wine manager, download list and download status and more. It's actually really useful and makes Heroic feel a lot better.
You will also notice that the library is now unified into one list, although you can filter it per-store. Game cards will also now always show the game title and buttons for play, settings and updating.
Plenty of other changes like an option to change the game language if supported, a fix for GOG games using DOSBox and ScummVM (just like the stable release) and much more.
You can still swap it to a list if you prefer it:
What do you think to the changes?

Combined game view! Yes! Now I really need the Amazon Games Store added to it.I think Ubi or Origin would make more sense as they cooperate with Epic already.
Combined game view! Yes! Now I really need the Amazon Games Store added to it.I think Ubi or Origin would make more sense as they cooperate with Epic already.
He probably suggested it because there's a working open-source client (nile) compatible with Amazon Games Store already, so Heroic just needs to add support for it.
Combined game view! Yes! Now I really need the Amazon Games Store added to it.I think Ubi or Origin would make more sense as they cooperate with Epic already.
He probably suggested it because there's a working open-source client (nile) compatible with Amazon Games Store already, so Heroic just needs to add support for it.
Exactly. Plus, AGS doesn't have any GUI support yet.
Crazy that EGS has given away so many games - I have never given them any money. Anyway, I was curious if, in the case of overlap, a game would be listed with dual store badges, or would get an entry for each store.
He probably suggested it because there's a working open-source client (nile) compatible with Amazon Games Store already, so Heroic just needs to add support for it.
I assume nile is this one:
Which means that "Amazon Games Store" is this:
And not this:
I guess "Prime Gaming" is what became of the Twitch store when Amazon bought them. I did claim some of the free "Twitch Prime" games back before I canceled my Amazon Prime account, but never tried to use the required client to download them; I'm guessing you need to have an active membership to get anything you claimed previously.
Crazy that EGS has given away so many games - I have never given them any money. Anyway, I was curious if, in the case of overlap, a game would be listed with dual store badges, or would get an entry for each store.It gets an entry for each store - makes sense, I guess, since you may want different settings for some reason.
Btw, anyone also having the bug that the wine version selection does not show entrys in the general and game specific settings ind the last 3 or so versions, or is there something wrong on my end?
Always showing the name of the game is a good move, but the rest of the buttons should remain hidden unless hover on them.

I agree it is a bit aggressive in the current iteration.
If i just scroll through the list i prefer to see the cover art in full.
You don't necessarily have to show the full text with the games name. It is often part of the artwork too.
If you need the text, put it at the bottom at least.
Last edited by tpau on 16 Jun 2022 at 7:42 pm UTC
Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it

What movie is that? Looks like sort of sci-fi flick.Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it
What movie is that? Looks like sort of sci-fi flick.Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
What movie is that? Looks like sort of sci-fi flick.Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith

I was joking.
For me, Star Wars ended with the initial trilogy. I managed to watch the following... Ja Ja something one, but it felt like the magic was gone, and I never had the desire to watch the rest.
(why is it, that even if you carefully preview your comment, you can spot the mistakes only after you click Post Comment ?!)
I hate that.
Last edited by dubigrasu on 16 Jun 2022 at 9:46 am UTC
What movie is that? Looks like sort of sci-fi flick.Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
I was joking.
For me, Star Wars ended with the initial trilogy. I manged to watch the following... Ja Ja something one, but it felt like the magic was gone, and I never had the desire to watch the rest.
The original one is the best anyway, though i personally also like the Prequel trilogy. But the Sequel trilogy by Disney? That one can go straight into the bin.
The prequel trilogy has its points. I, for one, have gotten plenty of mileage out of telling my significant other that I love her because she's not like sand.What movie is that? Looks like sort of sci-fi flick.Heroic v2.4.0 Beta is where the fun begins.

I just had to do it
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
I was joking.
For me, Star Wars ended with the initial trilogy. I manged to watch the following... Ja Ja something one, but it felt like the magic was gone, and I never had the desire to watch the rest.
The original one is the best anyway, though i personally also like the Prequel trilogy. But the Sequel trilogy by Disney? That one can go straight into the bin.

It just keeps getting better! I was trying to figure out if I had any overlap in my libraries (i.e. the same game in both EGS and GOG), but was confounded by the counts: All Games (572), Epic Games (293), GOG (278). Somehow the total is more than the sum of the individual counts?
Hmm, Heroic is probably counting some DLC as well. I know we filter DLCs from Epic but maybe not from GOG.
If you have time open an issue on GH so we can take a look at it

And about your second question, if they overlap we show two different cards since we treat as two different games now. For now what you can do is to hide the game that you don't want to be shown.
For instance, I have Absolute drift on GOG and on Epic, so I just hide Epic one since it is not native.
Last edited by fearnflavio on 17 Jun 2022 at 11:40 am UTC
I don't like the fact that the install buttons are all shown and highlighted at once, for every game tile. They should be IMO highlighted only when you hover on them. It feels very aggressive on the eyes and and sort of disruptive when you browse the library.
Always showing the name of the game is a good move, but the rest of the buttons should remain hidden unless hover on them.

Yes, good point. We got more feedback like this and maybe on Beta 2 we will hide the buttons like you said, keeping the game name.
Btw, anyone also having the bug that the wine version selection does not show entrys in the general and game specific settings ind the last 3 or so versions, or is there something wrong on my end?
Wdym? No version of wine if being shown or only some specifics?
Btw, anyone also having the bug that the wine version selection does not show entrys in the general and game specific settings ind the last 3 or so versions, or is there something wrong on my end?
Wdym? No version of wine if being shown or only some specifics?
No version at all:
Last edited by Schattenspiegel on 17 Jun 2022 at 2:00 pm UTC
Heroic is probably counting some DLC as well.
Sounds plausible.
if they overlap we show two different cards since we treat as two different games now.
For instance, I have Absolute drift on GOG and on Epic
Ah, thanks for that example - I have the same.
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