A game I really haven't spent enough time with because it's great, Vintage Story is a blocky survival game that's thoroughly challenging and a huge upgrade is out now. Inspired by lovecraftian horror themes, it's definitely one of the more unique open-world survival games around.
Version 1.17.0 is now in testing, so it's not fully released, and comes with absolutely tons that's new. A big tech overhaul too that should improve RAM use, starting a world should be twice as fast, multiple improvements to overall performance and improvements to creature AI too. Heck, there's even a fancy new water system that allows water to flow through most blocks that aren't solid.
New trailer is below and it's seriously impressive:
Direct Link
Other new additions include lightning strikes, 200+ new blocks, big visual upgrades to the temporal storms that happen, armour can now be repaired, 300 types of shield (a 30-fold increase), more and prettier flora, new and improved fauna like the addition of brown bears, black bears, sun bears, pandas and a gazelle, deserts storms are in, bamboo and straw hats and the list goes on.
Vintage Story doesn't get enough credit for being such a thoroughly interesting and massive game.
You can buy it from Humble Store, itch.io and the official site.
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