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Unity to 'merge' with ironSource with a buzzword salad press release

By - | Views: 38,159

Unity Technologies, the company behind ridiculously popular proprietary game engine Unity has announced a merger with another company called ironSource which is raising some eyebrows.

The first thing is that Unity has been acquiring a few other companies, but this time their wording is completely different with it being a "merger". Problem is, we don't know what that really means for Unity or game developers as their press release was one of the biggest jumbles of technobabble buzzwords I've ever read. With this coming not long after Unity just sent hundreds of their staff packing, it's likely not going to be received too well.

For those who don't know ironSource, they were behind a piece of software called installCore, an installer that bundled other apps with it. Basically, it was one of those horrible pieces of tech that looked like a proper official installer but it was pretty-much nasty adware / malware and ended up getting a poor reputation (as it was abused) and started getting blocked by Microsoft and others. It's no longer around but it does make the deal between Unity and ironSource look a bit odd. Don't take my word for it either, there's plenty of articles out there about how bad it was, a basic search for "installcore malware" and similar gives lots of details on it (#1, #2, #3).

I do wonder what this means for the future of Unity. If you're a game developer, maybe it's time to consider a free and open source kit like Godot Engine. Just a thought.

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Tags: Game Dev, Misc, Unity
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Cloversheen Jul 13, 2022
I couldn't get through their blog post, but reading the first couple of paragraphs I kinda get the feeling they got a case of the NFT/Metaverse kool-aid.
F.Ultra Jul 13, 2022
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Unity seems to bleed money and it's getting worse with each new quarter while IronSource on the other hand is a profitable company. Now we will have to wait and see what the merger details will be if this is an actual mutual merger or if this is IronSource buying Unity by taking on their debt.

edit: Latest news is that this is no longer a merger but Unity is buying IronSource for $4.4bn in Unity stocks where share holders in IronSource will receive 0.1089 shares in the new company for each 1 share in IronSource that they currently own while Unity share holders will receive 1 share in the new company for each 1 share in Unity that they currently own.

Will be interesting to see who will be CEO and Chairman in the new combined company, my take is still that this is IronSource buying Unity with Unity:s own stock but we'll see.

Last edited by F.Ultra on 13 July 2022 at 11:15 pm UTC
TheRiddick Jul 13, 2022
I think really this will come down to the developers at the end of day. Just keep a close on Unity3D, I'm not sure what shady stuff they could do or use this for but if they start defaulting malware into things then yeah, jump ship time for many honest devs!

A wait and see situation.
Valck Jul 14, 2022
Fits the image I have of them. Remember RedShell, anyone? When it comes to sneaky "marketing", Unity always appears to be the most eager of them all to get there.
I'm not saying others don't do their share, but it always seems Unity isn't just flowing with the trend.

I so wish products had an obligation to state what engines and middleware they were built with, and to which telemetry servers they connect, before purchase and installation. I might still decide that I want to bite the apple, but please do let me know that it's poisoned, thank you.
Whitewolfe80 Jul 14, 2022
Well I made my own top down twin stick shooter mainly because I was bored when I was recovering from surgery. I made it unity which I have to confess was ridiculously easy mainly due to asset packs the amount of time taken to customize those ( there are plenty that don't bother it seems) is fairly minimal Vs starting from scratch. Gadot I tried now am not a professional dev I do it as a hobby seemed a bit backwards by comparison Def not bad and given its price is nothing it's Def workable.
SilverCode Jul 14, 2022
I wonder if any of the Unity employees who were laid off would consider contributing to Godot as a "f-you" to Unity.
emphy Jul 14, 2022
Quoting: denyasisI read the release, is there really that big of a market of devs that want to put more ads in games? Cause they seem really into making that a possibility for devs.

The question is: are ads going to be forced into the free license, or even some of the paid ones?

We could run into the situation that the end-user pays for a game and gets served ads because the dev doesn't have a financially viable option to prevent it.

Last edited by emphy on 14 July 2022 at 7:54 am UTC
denyasis Jul 14, 2022
Quoting: emphy
Quoting: denyasisI read the release, is there really that big of a market of devs that want to put more ads in games? Cause they seem really into making that a possibility for devs.

The question is: are ads going to be forced into the free license, or even some of the paid ones?

We could run into the situation that the end-user pays for a game and gets served ads because the dev doesn't have a financially viable option to prevent it.

They way I read it, this is for the dev to choose. It doesn't make sense to force ads (force the dev to make money?). And I doubt they are adding ads to their products. That doesn't make sense to me either. It seems like they are adding more ad integration (is that the right word?) options.
einherjar Jul 14, 2022
All hail pi-hole!
Perkeleen_Vittupää Jul 14, 2022
Quoting: ImantsI was thinking about ditching unity and I tried Godot Engine and after 40h of tinkering I returned to Unity. Mostly I did not like they're scripting language and they're C# integration is not as good as in Unity. Maybe I will check Godot 4 when it comes out but for now Godot 3 it is hard pass for me

Oh no, i was under the impression that Godot is very smooth and pleasant experience, and the only problem is that devs are not aware it exists! Looks like there's a reason for it not getting more then. Not user friendly enough
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