I'm not entirely sure when this went live but it appears that Epic Games have finally released a full proper download of Unreal Engine for Linux developers. Seems a lot of people noticed only today, although the page mentions the build was released Jul 12 - 2022, with GOL getting messages about it everywhere so it seems like a fair few find this quite exciting.
Previously, to use Unreal Engine on Linux you would need to compile it yourself from the source but now that's no longer the case. To get it you need to have accepted their EULA and be logged in with an Epic Account, once done it will offer up the ~20GB download to get you going but it mentions needing ~60GB for the full thing. Additionally, it seems their main supported Linux distribution is Ubuntu 22.04 although it appears to run just fine on Fedora 36:
You can see more of the Linux requirements here.
Considering all the issues with Unity lately from joining with ironSource, their CEO calling some game developers "fucking idiots" and when that made the news that same CEO said on Twitter it was "Clickbait" only to then later apologise, this might be a good time for Epic Games to push their way through to pull in even more developers into their ecosystem.
So much great news for Linux gaming and even Linux game development lately, it's nice to see so many moving parts.
I promised my self back in 2018 to never (compile, use or learn) UnrealEngine until they give us proper Linux support and a native build
Finally!Godot still got your back anyways ;D
I promised my self back in 2018 to never (compile, use or learn) UnrealEngine until they give us proper Linux support and a native build
Finally!Why? If you want to do anything reasonable with Unreal, you'll need to set up a build environment for C++ scripting anyhow (yes, there is Blueprint, but as soon as your project grows beyond "game jam" size, Blueprint scripts become so large and convoluted, that they are
I promised my self back in 2018 to never (compile, use or learn) UnrealEngine until they give us proper Linux support and a native build
(Edit: Please take this with a grain of salt. I'm currently working with Unreal professionally, and had enough opportunities to get frustrated by it.)
Last edited by soulsource on 20 Jul 2022 at 10:12 pm UTC

I think sometimes the more technically skilled developers (or Linux users for that matter) forget that even among developers, there are those who are certainly capable of writing a bit of code and running a python script or clicking compile in an IDE, but struggle with something like compiling a complex piece of software through a build system like cmake, resolving dependency issues, etc.
Having to compile Unreal Engine's Editor just to work on Linux was a real barrier for entry that potentially could have prevented many ports from indie devs as a result. Glad to see that resolved.
I think sometimes the more technically skilled developers (or Linux users for that matter) forget that even among developers, there are those who are certainly capable of writing a bit of code and running a python script or clicking compile in an IDE, but struggle with something like compiling a complex piece of software through a build system like cmake, resolving dependency issues, etc.
worse, they forget that there is a magic thing called "learning curve"
I think sometimes the more technically skilled developers (or Linux users for that matter) forget that even among developers, there are those who are certainly capable of writing a bit of code and running a python script or clicking compile in an IDE, but struggle with something like compiling a complex piece of software through a build system like cmake, resolving dependency issues, etc.
worse, they forget that there is a magic thing called "learning curve"
Too right!
Even for the technically proficient, it takes an investment of time to learn how to use something, and the more complex / less documented / less user friendly that thing is, the bigger the time investment required.
In the case of porting some UE games from Windows to Linux, for some indie devs only really looking at the prospect of perhaps 10,000 sales total across all platforms, that time investment required to figure out how to obtain, compile and correctly configure UE, on top of all the 'first time user' learning required just to correctly setup and use Linux, wouldn't be worth it, for what would amount to possibly only a few hundred potential customers.
So anything that reduces the barrier for entry, is definitely a good thing.
any chance of getting this running into SteamDeck/steamOS ?
Maybe! I think the minimum required RAM is 32GB on Linux, but the editor runs ok on my machine with 16GB. I don't see why it wouldn't work on the SteamDeck. Storage would be the biggest barrier.

any chance of getting this running into SteamDeck/steamOS ?Your biggest barrier would be read only filesystem. Honestly I would just use container / VM for installation, if Unreal needs to modify system directories like /opt. If it installs anywhere under /home, you can install it perfectly fine because /home isn't read only.
Considering all the issues with Unity lately from joining with ironSource, their CEO calling some game developers "fucking idiots" and when that made the news that same CEO said on Twitter it was "Clickbait" only to then later [apologise](https://twitter.com/johnriccitiello/status/1548326529217679365), this might be a good time for Epic Games to push their way through to pull in even more developers into their ecosystem.
The [apology](https://twitter.com/johnriccitiello/status/1548326529217679365) is worth reading.
Last edited by Eike on 21 Jul 2022 at 9:08 am UTC
I don't know if I get this blog post confused with another one but I quite remember another one of that type stating that QoL improvements on Linux would be a priority circa 2017...
Yet, nothing happened and still no linux native epic launcher in 2022.
I thought one of the biggest pros of the engine was the asset and plugin marketplace that integrates well within the launcher, that and the project+version manager. I guess it's still too early for us penguins, I'll stick to godot, Tim already broke my heart once.
Last edited by a0kami on 21 Jul 2022 at 11:29 am UTC
"Authentication required
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Why must Epig be like this in every turn
Finally!Why? If you want to do anything reasonable with Unreal, you'll need to set up a build environment for C++ scripting anyhow (yes, there is Blueprint, but as soon as your project grows beyond "game jam" size, Blueprint scripts become so large and convoluted, that they are
I promised my self back in 2018 to never (compile, use or learn) UnrealEngine until they give us proper Linux support and a native buildhardimpossible to read/maintain). After using Unreal for a few days, you'll find yourself in the situation that you'll want to modify the engine because your project gets blocked by a bug in it. That's then the point where you uninstall the precompiled engine, compile it from source, and ask yourself why you thought it was a good idea to waste time on the precompiled build in the first place.
(Edit: Please take this with a grain of salt. I'm currently working with Unreal professionally, and had enough opportunities to get frustrated by it.)
I was thinking about the same, but have a bit of frustrations with (custom) forks since UE development occurs so fast that i was bitten more than once by breaking changes in the APIs, even with what were supposed to be small point releases. Lighting and shading, BxDFs in particular come to mind. But back to the discussion, the lack of binary releases for UE is a non-issue since the target users are developers anyway.
It only took [8 years](https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-and-linux)...
I don't know if I get this blog post confused with another one but I quite remember another one of that type stating that QoL improvements on Linux would be a priority circa 2017...
Yet, nothing happened and still no linux native epic launcher in 2022.
I thought one of the biggest pros of the engine was the asset and plugin marketplace that integrates well within the launcher, that and the project+version manager. I guess it's still too early for us penguins, I'll stick to godot, Tim already broke my heart once.
I used UE(4) for years, and now am using UE5 and had no issues whatsoever with plugins or assets ever really. Godot is amazing, don't get me wrong, but i'm a bit befuddled by some of the comments here. UE has been usable and stable professionally for years. I cannot be the only one lucky enough to have a stable experience, though some occasional API changes imply a bit of work to keep custom forks.
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