Valve put up a bit of a notice / warning recently, one for those of you experiencing a heat wave and trying to game on the Steam Deck might want to keep a note of. Plus a new Steam Deck Beta update.
The official OnDeck Twitter account said this:
For our friends in the midst of a heatwave, a quick note about Steam Deck in high temperatures. Steam Deck performs at its best in ambient temperatures between 0° and 35° C. If the temperature gets higher than this, Steam Deck may start to throttle performance to protect itself.
A bit more detail about this – Steam Deck’s APU runs well at temperatures up to 100°C. At 100°C, it will start to throttle performance, and at 105°C it will shut down. Again, this is to protect itself (and you) from damage.
If you do want to know how hot your Deck is running, that's easy enough thanks to the built-in performance overlay. If you hit the Quick Access button (the three dots) and go to the Performance menu (the battery icon) and set the Overlay Level to 3 it will show temperatures for the GPU and CPU like this:
As for the latest Steam Deck Beta update here's what's new:
- Added Sucheng (Quick) keyboard for Traditional Chinese (requires Preview channel)
- Added Achievements page to overlay (while in-game press Steam button)
- Fixed notification for claiming digital rewards firing endlessly for some customers
- Fixed Night Mode automatically kicking in, even if the toggle is set to OFF
- Fixed desktop mode keyboard sometimes failing to show or dismiss
There was also a silent Stable Steam Deck update:
The Stable update channel for the Steam Deck OS has just been updated with a hotfix to enable compatibility with future system and input firmware. It will download an update, but there are no user-visible changes included at this time.

Assuming there's no need for RMA, I'll probably throw it straight into Beta mode and giving SteamOS a proper spin, but I have to ask, for all the lucky deckers out there who got it months ago, how are standard distro's running with the Deck? I'm talking Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch etc etc etc.
I mean it is a PC right? Haven't seen any GoL articles about this yet

I heard that during the last Steam outage, a lot of Deck users couldn't login / use the device even in desktop mode (with no option to go offline, just thrown to login failed), I figure a standard distro would easily fix that?
It would be cool to see how regular Linux is on this thing, as I plan to do this myself at some point

It would be cool to see how regular Linux is on this thing, as I plan to do this myself at some pointWe know Valve upstreamed drivers for everything (except controller, maybe) so it should be possible. Luke Short (dev of winesapOS) has uploaded SteamOS stuff to AUR, if you are interested.
Last edited by mr-victory on 20 Jul 2022 at 12:12 pm UTC
Added Achievements page to overlay (while in-game press Steam button)Oh, cool, I'd been missing a way to quickly check achievements in game (either to check on one I wanted to go for, or to see which one I just got).
Fixed notification for claiming digital rewards firing endlessly for some customersThank goodness, that was really starting to get on my nerves*. Definitely downloading this ASAP!

*A few minutes into each play session, "You have unclaimed Deck rewards!", despite me claiming them the first time it came up and the notification doing nothing other than taking me to my profile page.
At this point I've just settled on waiting for Steam Deck 2 which will have a RDNA3 APU and likely twice the graphical power to boot.
The video is in german only, but you can see the construction piece by piece to get an idea of it. And yes, the pump is as loud as the normal fan, but the deck is way cooler (lol) than before.
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