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Linux user share on Steam continues rising — highest for years again

By - | Views: 49,716

Valve has put out their usual monthly Steam Hardware & Software Survey and it's looking like good news for Linux and Steam Deck once again.

We've seen the user share rise up to 1.23%, making it the highest point in multiple years (again). If we use Valve's last monthly active user count, that points the monthly active Linux user count somewhere around 1,623,600. See more on our Steam Tracker. Linux has remained at 1% or above for at least a full year now too.

According to the survey when filtering just to Linux, here are the most popular distributions:

  • Arch Linux 64 bit 13.87% +2.45%
  • Manjaro Linux 64 bit 11.40% +1.29%
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64 bit 9.78% -0.12%
  • Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS 64 bit 9.28% -0.45%
  • SteamOS Holo 64 bit 7.60% +0.02%
  • Linux Mint 20.3 64 bit 6.29% -0.16%
  • 21.08.14 (Flatpak runtime) 64 bit 5.29% -0.76%
  • Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS 64 bit 4.90% +0.11%
  • Other 31.60% -2.36%

So we're seeing Valve's SteamOS now make up 7.6% of the Linux gaming audience on Steam, which is a pretty good early showing for the Steam Deck. In terms of hardware, on the Linux side the Steam Deck appears to be the most popular device as it's now top of the list of GPUs used too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Zlopez Aug 2, 2022
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Till I got my Steam Deck, I didn't even started my gaming machine. I can see why the popularity of this device is rising. :-)
BlackBloodRum Aug 2, 2022
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While it's nice to see the linux user count go up, I can't help but wonder if many of those decks are people like me who have both the deck and a desktop linux computer.

In my case, I still use both for gaming on steam. So, in a situation like this, statistically depending on how it was counted it would appear that either:

a) There's now two distros counted for the user (Both percentages could go up)
b) That steam lost a distro user and gained a steam deck user (or vice versa, only one percentage goes up, while causing the other to drop)

In any case, it would need to be clarified as it may artificially make it appear that either you have more Linux users on steam than in actuality or that some distros are losing ground, when in fact they're just not being counted because the user has two distros being used on steam and only one of those is counted.
M@GOid Aug 2, 2022
If SteamOS is 7.6% of ~1,623,600 million Linux users, it is safe to say Valve delivered about 123,000 units so far?
Zelox Aug 2, 2022
Will be interesting to see if we can fight with Mac by the end of next year ☺️
Corben Aug 2, 2022
Normally I get my survey every August 1st... but not this year. 2022 it was on the 2nd August.
Well, doesn't matter... I'm doing my part! :D
CatKiller Aug 2, 2022
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Quoting: BlackBloodRumIn any case, it would need to be clarified as it may artificially make it appear that either you have more Linux users on steam than in actuality or that some distros are losing ground, when in fact they're just not being counted because the user has two distros being used on steam and only one of those is counted.
It's a hardware survey, not a user survey. It's no more artificial than someone with a Windows desktop and a Steam Deck having both machines counted, or a desktop and a laptop.

The hardware survey lets developers compare the requirements of their game to the amount of hardware being used that meets those requirements. Developers making sure that their game works on Linux would be making sure their game works on both of your machines.
hardpenguin Aug 2, 2022
QuoteOther 31.60% -2.36%
I am here!
BlackBloodRum Aug 2, 2022
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Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: BlackBloodRumIn any case, it would need to be clarified as it may artificially make it appear that either you have more Linux users on steam than in actuality or that some distros are losing ground, when in fact they're just not being counted because the user has two distros being used on steam and only one of those is counted.
It's a hardware survey, not a user survey. It's no more artificial than someone with a Windows desktop and a Steam Deck having both machines counted, or a desktop and a laptop.

The hardware survey lets developers compare the requirements of their game to the amount of hardware being used that meets those requirements. Developers making sure that their game works on Linux would be making sure their game works on both of your machines.
While true, I think you missed my point.

The gen pop (not devs) are using the survey to try to guestimate how many Linux users are on steam, and often they break that statistic down to each distro also.

Devs aside, my point is about how gen pop are understanding and using said data.
hardpenguin Aug 2, 2022
QuoteSo we're seeing Valve's SteamOS now make up 7.6% of the Linux gaming audience on Steam, which is a pretty good early showing for the Steam Deck
This is actually mental. This is huge!

Completely new distro, completely new platform, this OS represents only one type of device!

Future looks exciting!
Zelox Aug 2, 2022
Quoting: Lightkey
Quoting: ZeloxWill be interesting to see if we can fight with Mac by the end of next year ☺️
Funny you should mention that, I had just calculated the macOS user share for English users for comparison and it's 3.35% versus the 2.97% for Linux.

Nice, so we are already there ☺️
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