DXVK, one of the secret sauces included with the Proton compatibility layer, has a big new release out now. DXVK 2.1 adds in some big new features like HDR!
Currently, this new HDR support is quite limited though. No major Linux desktop environment actually supports HDR yet, so you will have to use Gamescope specifically with it. When paired up with vkd3d-proton version 2.8 or newer, it "will allow D3D12 games to detect and use the HDR10 color space if they support it". It's also only supported on AMD GPUs, and even there it needs special Linux kernel patches.
One that perhaps is more exciting, because pretty much everyone will benefit, is even more improvements to shader compilation. From the release notes it states the use of "pipeline libraries was extended to pipelines with tessellation or geometry shaders in order to further reduce stutter". On top of that, if your GPU driver supports it, more features of the VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 extension are being used to reduce stutter when MSAA is on.
Another performance upgrade is that DXVK will use fewer threads for background optimization of graphics pipelines, which may make games smoother on some systems but it doesn't change the initial shader compiling.
Some other improvements include:
- A new GLFW backend for Native Linux builds using DXVK.
- More consistent D3D11 performance.
- A workaround for the Uplay overlay getting stuck on.
- Fixes for: Ashes of the Singularity, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Gujian 3, Resident Evil 4 HD, Saints Row: The Third, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Sonic Frontiers and Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.
I'm quite excited to see all the improvements. Hopefully it won't be too long before the Steam Deck and Proton together get upgraded to make use of it all.

but another titles still have crashes in my case like: farcry 3, anno 1701, anno 1404 and others
and have another interesting issue related non directly with dxvk but affect old titles especially dx8, this are D8VK:

Last edited by mrdeathjr on 24 Jan 2023 at 10:29 pm UTC
Bad idea and a step backwards. ;(((
Note: The setup script setup_dxvk.sh was no longer deemed useful and got removed.He doesn't want to deal with it. Its linux. Fork it or create your own script to hook it up. It doesn't really have to be part of DXVK anyway imo.
Bad idea and a step backwards. ;(((
It doesn't really have to be part of DXVK anyway imo.I disagree.

It doesn't really have to be part of DXVK anyway imo.I disagree.
You can disagree if you want, but things like these are for package managers to deal with imo.
Whatever the outcome. He doesn't want to deal with scripts and its feature requests. He is a graphics developer, so its understandable that he wanted to drop it.
Ich finde das sehr schade. Für Wine und DXVK habe ich einfach keine fertigen Pakete verwendet. "Er will sich nicht mit Skripten und deren Funktionsanfragen beschäftigen. Er ist ein Grafikentwickler, daher ist es verständlich, dass er es sein lassen wollte." Klar verstehe ich das. Aber seine Aussage war: "Es wurde nicht mehr als nützlich angesehen und wurde entfernt." Das ist einfach nicht wahr. Das ist schade.
Of course, you could do it by hand and it's not really a problem. But it was always great to have the script. Many years I installed DXVK with it. I will miss it ;( (Not only me).
I think this is a pity. For Wine and DXVK I just didn't use ready packages. "He doesn't want to deal with scripts and their function requests. He is a graphics developer, so it is understandable that he wanted to drop it." Sure I understand that. But his statement was "It was no longer considered useful and was removed." Which is simply not true. Too bad. ;(
Last edited by andy155 on 26 Jan 2023 at 1:06 pm UTC

Last edited by Nanobang on 26 Jan 2023 at 4:02 pm UTC
Note: The setup script setup_dxvk.sh was no longer deemed useful and got removed.
Bad idea and a step backwards. ;(((
It's a pity indeed but not a big deal, as the script from an old DXVK version can still be used for the current one (and likely future ones as well).
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