The GPU industry is so broken right now and to make things worse, MSI thought it would be a good idea to do a lottery for a chance to win the ability to buy a GPU. I had to do a triple-take to make sure I was reading it right.
I would really love to have been a fly on the wall in the meeting where MSI thought this was a good idea. A competition that lasted all of 3 days, where people who signed up and entered would be put into a prize-draw where MSI would pull names out of a hat and give them the chance to buy a GeForce RTX 4090 within 48 hours.
Wow, that's super generous isn't it? A "limited" amount of people would also get a $50 MSI store code.
I can't be alone in thinking that was just really weird, getting a chance to possibly spend money by entering a competition. What in the world…I thought doing a lottery was supposed to be the exact opposite of that. Did I fall into an alternate even worse universe recently?
Am I going insane, or is the GPU industry just a complete total mess right now? Prices are absolutely crazy, pricing out a huge amount of people with AMD and NVIDIA focusing mostly on the high-end with their latest chips, with both sides also having plenty of problems like melted power connectors and temperature issues (noted at the bottom). Then we have Intel, whose new GPUs aren't exactly turning heads.
While you are discussing PC vs console, the next gen already switched to mobile.I can only speak for my kids and their friends, but all of their gaming is on Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. None of the younger kids (10 and younger) we see have phones that are capable of gaming, but everyone has a console at home and/or their parents' PC.
I thought we were over this bullshit?
It seems not to be as extreme as last shortage during RDNA 2 release, but it's not day one availability by far either. What is causing it? Cryptocurrency rush seems to be over, so miners aren't buying all cards. May be general demand fell and they also reduced production below the demand now?
This would be my guest. And more and more thoughts about a recession, or just not enough disposable income for video cards this time around? Maybe everyone is just playing on a Steam Deck and stopped chasing those extra 10 frames per second...I thought we were over this bullshit?
It seems not to be as extreme as last shortage during RDNA 2 release, but it's not day one availability by far either. What is causing it? Cryptocurrency rush seems to be over, so miners aren't buying all cards. May be general demand fell and they also reduced production below the demand now?
So I hear all these insane news and it feels like seeing another world where top-end matters while we're just nicely vibing to last-gen budget offers here in Indonesia.
Here's what I want to know... what are people needing 4080/4090s for? 8k gaming?Probably those dang Warhammer games. They are 40K!
While you are discussing PC vs console, the next gen already switched to mobile.I can only speak for my kids and their friends, but all of their gaming is on Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. None of the younger kids (10 and younger) we see have phones that are capable of gaming, but everyone has a console at home and/or their parents' PC.
Same here. And they make fun of mobile gamers.
See stream stats for an idea of what people actually have:
This is the case with my younger relatives, too. And they'll also sometimes hijack my laptop when they visit.While you are discussing PC vs console, the next gen already switched to mobile.I can only speak for my kids and their friends, but all of their gaming is on Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. None of the younger kids (10 and younger) we see have phones that are capable of gaming, but everyone has a console at home and/or their parents' PC.

Ha, good. Have always hated mobile gaming.While you are discussing PC vs console, the next gen already switched to mobile.I can only speak for my kids and their friends, but all of their gaming is on Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. None of the younger kids (10 and younger) we see have phones that are capable of gaming, but everyone has a console at home and/or their parents' PC.
Same here. And they make fun of mobile gamers.
And just like high end alcohol, there really isn't a need to have a high end GPU aside from a passion or hobby. Pretty much everything on the market now will run just fine old old and midrange cards.
The people yelling doom and gloom b/c most people are using cards with similar abilities to 1xxx cards seem to have forgotten, that was always the case. Gamers use regular hardware, not high-end.
It took about 8-10 years for minimum specs to start outmatching my last PC (it lasted from 2006 to 2019). That's just normal for most of us. My 2019 build will probably run everything under the sun till 2025, no worries... Maybe a memory upgrade.
We always have a 'core' gamer and a 'casual' gamer divide, and the 'core' gamer will always mock the 'casual' gamers. Why would anyone think it'll be different with children today?I can only speak for my kids and their friends, but all of their gaming is on Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. None of the younger kids (10 and younger) we see have phones that are capable of gaming, but everyone has a console at home and/or their parents' PC.
Same here. And they make fun of mobile gamers.
There's always that kid who has a cool console/PC that's a cool kid for getting their friends to play together and that's a circle that'll eventually grow to feel superior about being able to play 'real' games.
Elitism will always exists in children, and if it's not having a cool Fortnite skin or Genshin character, it'll be about "playing real games on a real gaming console/PC". Things don't change as much as some people think, humans will be humans, and kids will be kids.
You should all start playing some DOOM and Wolfenstein3D again, to prepare for the change that is to come

This is why I think software rendering is the future of gaming.
You should all start playing some DOOM and Wolfenstein3D again, to prepare for the change that is to come
At some time ago, I was surprised by [Euclideon]( technology, it was running on CPU alone and had really detailed models, but they never really prepared it for gaming (you can see some experiment on their site). Now we have Unreal Engine 5, which has similar level of detail with GPU and doesn't really need that beast of a card to run it. So I think we are on the good track, when even older GPUs could be able to run the newest games in future, because it will be more on smart usage of resources in the engine than on the brute force of GPU.
What was that shriek of horror I just heard?This is why I think software rendering is the future of gaming.
You should all start playing some DOOM and Wolfenstein3D again, to prepare for the change that is to come
At some time ago, I was surprised by [Euclideon]( technology, it was running on CPU alone and had really detailed models, but they never really prepared it for gaming (you can see some experiment on their site). Now we have Unreal Engine 5, which has similar level of detail with GPU and doesn't really need that beast of a card to run it. So I think we are on the good track, when even older GPUs could be able to run the newest games in future, because it will be more on smart usage of resources in the engine than on the brute force of GPU.
Oh, a hardware manufacturer.
Granted, is not the same experience as playing it on a 1000 dollar discrete card, but is the same game. It IS the same game. Vanity pushes us out of our senses, to make us spend a lot of money on a system just to play a game "better than in the peasant consoles".Most of what you said is subjective, which means I also have the choice to enjoy eye candy. Enjoying good graphics is not different than enjoying other art in motion. They are an entertaining spectacle. Have I ever spent more than $600 on a video card? No, because you don't need to at 1080p.
(I am not defending high GPU prices. I still don't have the GPU I wanted to buy years ago because its value to me doesn't match the price tag.)
There is nothing wrong with wanting nice graphics.
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