Creative Assembly and SEGA have released the 2.4.0 version update to Total War: WARHAMMER III and it's quite a big one.
This brings the massive combined campaign Immortal Empires out of Beta and ready for everyone. This is where if you own the previous games, it all gets bundled into one big thing with all of the landmasses, Legendary Lords, war units and more from the Total War: WARHAMMER series into one colossal mode. However, they've now opened this up to all players regardless if you own the previous games or not. They said you can just buy the individual DLC from the previous games if you want to access more from them.

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Sounds awesome.
Here some of the other changes in the game:
- Karak Eight Peaks is now a ten-slot settlement for the Skaven... yes-yes...
- Malus's quest battle for the Warpstone of Khaine is now in the Chaos Wastes, closer to his starting position.
- Fixed a variety of visual/graphical glitches such as clipping capes, snapping models and broken animations.
- Garrisons are no longer reinforcements and now enter the battle from the start.
- Fixed a multiplayer desync that could occur when an Empire player chose to Summon the Elector Counts.
- Coedill will no longer immediately enter the battle instead of reinforcing once the Waystones are destroyed in Drycha's quest battle.
- Interrogating Grom the Paunch in Athel Tamarha as Eltharion now correctly gives Mistwalker units the ability to mirror Grom's Big Waaagh ability.
- Fixed an issue where Boris Ursus wouldn't gain supporters while the Invocation of Dazh is active.
See their patch notes overview video below:

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For those of you sticking to the Native Linux port from Feral Interactive instead of running it in Proton, there's a bit of a wait ahead. Over email to my question about the update for it they mentioned they don't have a fixed date for the update but it's in the "final stages of development and are aiming at making the Linux update available soon".
You can grab Total War: Warhammer III on Fanatical, Humble Store and Steam.
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