While we have no idea how well it will work on Linux and Steam Deck with Proton just yet, we at least now have a date. Starfield from Bethesda is releasing September 6th. I'm cautiously optimistic on it, as a massive fan of everything space sci-fi like this, I've wanted to see more games like this for some time.
More about it: "Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery."
See the new trailer below:

Direct Link
Naturally, I'll be taking a look at it on release, to let you know how if it works on Linux desktop and Steam Deck. Perhaps it's one of the upcoming titles Valve mentioned in the update notes for SteamOS 3.4.6 that they couldn't name directly. It wouldn't surprise me if this is one title Valve are trying to ensure works well before release, given how popular it will no doubt be.
Will you be picking it up?
You can follow it on Steam.
Some of their studios did. Didn't recent Doom games use Vulkan?
That's an id thing rather than something from Bethesda Game Studios who never used GL or VK.
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 Mar 2023 at 6:52 pm UTC
Isn't it still Bethesda? I thought they bought Id. I don't follow their internal workings though.id belongs to Bethesda Softworks (the publisher), but Bethesda Game Studios (developer of Starfield) is only a part of it. That's why the release doesn't say anything about changes inspired by Microsoft: Game Studios always developed Direct3D games. That's why nothing changed (at least yet).
Edit: also does the thumbnail picture for the article scream Galaxy freighter from Privateer to anyone else??
Last edited by denyasis on 8 Mar 2023 at 10:53 pm UTC

And I think it will be difficult to play on linux. I smell drm problems, directx problems, or others.
All I can hope is that ultrawide support will finally be implemented (it was not for Creation Engine 1 - it required hacks) and that they can finally fix the quest destroying bugs. I can live with minor bugs like visual and mechanical bugs, but when quests get all jacked up and can't be completed, that bugs the everloving shit out of me. We shall see!
They did say they were going to be hand crafting areas and they do have a lot to prove with this one so I guess we'll see.
Last edited by jo3fis on 12 Mar 2023 at 6:56 am UTC
It's been on my wish list for a good while now. If I'm being honest, I might not pick it up until a year after release. I haven't even purchased or started Elden Ring yet, which is the next major single-player game in my plans. I'd also say Starfield is in the yeah-I-probably-want-that category and not must-have until I hear reviews from critics and friends.
Not a bad idea, especially since by then the community will have fixed a ton of stuff via mods.
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