Want a little more info on how Vampire Survivors came to be? The great people at Noclip have their next documentary up with the small team behind the absolute surprise smash-hit and it's well worth a watch.
Vampire Survivors is currently number 5 on the Steam Top 250 best reviewed games of all time. Pretty incredibly really considering how simplistic a game it is overall, but that is of course part of the hook and charm of it. Noclip spoke with the original creator Luca Galante, who is quite a private person and didn't want to be on camera and so they made a fun Muppets-style Dracula puppet with Galante giving it a voice over. Quite a sweet and clever way to get around it.

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In the interview Galante mentioned how moving from Italy to the UK was difficult, and the only job they could get initially was at McDonalds when their English wasn't very good. After 2 years they managed to improve their English and went for programming jobs - the first being Gambling related and eventually rising in the ranks at the company to a mid-level management position. From there, Galante started late-night working on games as a creative outlet after being fedup and wanting to make their own games. Eventually after getting the game ready and releasing on itch.io and going unnoticed, Galante released it on Steam and by luck a big YouTuber picked it up and things just exploded from there.
You can buy Vampire Survivors on Steam for £3.99 / $4.99.
Noclip spoke with the original creator Luca Galante, who is quite a private person and didn't want to be on camera and so they made a fun Muppets-style Dracula puppet with Galante giving it a voice over. Quite a sweet and clever way to get around it.This was adorable, charming, and funny.

Speaking of funny, a number of the anecdotes in the interview were very amusing, too - I had a good laugh about how one of the characters in the game is meant to be the ghost of an old woman who liked stealing shopping-trolleys when she was alive!

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