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Nice to see more bigger publisher jumping in to get their games working on Steam Deck and desktop Linux. Ubisoft has now upgraded For Honor to support Easy Anti-Cheat on Deck.

Published in their July 27th update it notes:


Updated Easy Anti-Cheat client module and library. 
Developer's Comment:* This update of Easy Anti-Cheat makes the game playable on Steam Deck.* 

Thanks to that, Valve also ran the game through verification bumping it up to a Steam Deck Playable rating with Proton Experimental (as seen on SteamDB) as it was previously Unsupported. It's Playable now and not Verified as Valve notes it still has issues with a launcher, it can show non-Steam Deck controller icons, you need to manually bring up the on-screen keyboard and it doesn't close properly so you need to force-close on it.

So Ubisoft have done the bare minimum to make it work. Hopefully they will also address the other issues to get it bumped up to Verified properly.

Trying it myself: it did initially get completely stuck sitting on a Uplay "Looking for patches" screen for a long time. Closing and reopening then just fixed it and it did it almost instantly. Logging into to Ubisoft Account also did need the touchscreen and manual on-screen keyboard (STEAM + X). After that logging in worked just fine, although it then gave me the full Ubisoft Connect app instead of launching the game. Closing and re-opening it then asked me for a CD Key, which is apparently a problem for many people and even more people even though it's supposed to be having a free weekend.

So, for science, I purchased the game. Thinking that would give me the needed key. Apparently that doesn't work either and I am also not alone in that problem. Seems they're having problems with their CD Key server so it may very well be supported on Steam Deck now but any new purchases or free weekend players are stuck until they fix it.

Third-party launchers on Steam are bad enough but third-party key generation is even worse. What a mess.

Update - 31/07/23: they did eventually fix the key issue, so I have been able to actually get in and confirm the game does indeed work now on Steam Deck. 

You can play it free on Steam until August 3rd and it's also 80% off during this time.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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TimeFreeze Jul 28, 2023
Rainbow Six Siege support is all i ask for.
minidou Jul 28, 2023
They've done it.

Valve has made every publisher consider the Linux audience. This is only going to get better now.
hardpenguin Jul 28, 2023
Oh heck yeah! I somehow already had the game in my library
Termy Jul 28, 2023
Every bit of progress is good, but as long as they force this abomination of a 3rd party launcher down my throat, they can go rot in hell...
ElectricPrism Jul 28, 2023
Isn't Ubisoft the one where if you don't login for a few months they delete your purchases?

Maybe they're just a chaotic company /shrugs
Nic264 Jul 28, 2023
Quoting: ElectricPrismIsn't Ubisoft the one where if you don't login for a few months they delete your purchases?
No and no:
* After 4 years of inactivity they send a notice to give you 30 days to cancel the deletion.
* If and only if you've got no game to loose in the process.
slaapliedje Jul 28, 2023
Quoting: Nic264
Quoting: ElectricPrismIsn't Ubisoft the one where if you don't login for a few months they delete your purchases?
No and no:
* After 4 years of inactivity they send a notice to give you 30 days to cancel the deletion.
* If and only if you've got no game to loose in the process.
Ha, and if you have an Ubisoft game in Steam, it kicks off the launcher then the game, dumb yes, but saves you from not logging in for 4 years. :P
Frawo Jul 29, 2023
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I had this CD Key issue recently in one of the Far Cry games. Turned out that the file "distribution.steam" was missing in the "bin" folder of the game. The file can be empty, so I created it and after that everything worked again.
Maybe the fix works for this game as well?
Ehvis Jul 29, 2023
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Quoting: hardpenguinOh heck yeah! I somehow already had the game in my library

Soon after the not so stellar release they gave it away for free, so you must have claimed it there.
elmapul Jul 29, 2023
Quoting: minidouThey've done it.

Valve has made every publisher consider the Linux audience. This is only going to get better now.

too soon, we are talking about just a few big publishers, not to mention even nintendo and sony had trouble geting support from thirdy parties in the past.

at the best we can secure the next 5~7 years of games working/being relased on linux and all old games that we already have.
but even if we get that, there is no guarantee of what we will have afterwards. (i mean when the next console gen start)
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