Love your classic JRPG-likes? Alterium Shift is another good looking entry that recently entered Early Access on Steam with Native Linux support. Built with the Unity game engine as far as I can see, it works great on Fedora KDE 38. Note: the developer sent a key.
More about it: "Embark on a retro-inspired adventure with Alterium Shift, a classic JRPG featuring immersive 2.5D graphics and pixel art combined with modern gameplay. Choose from three unique characters, each with their own skills and elemental powers to explore the living world of Alteria. Engage in turn-based combat and fun mini-games like fishing as you uncover the secrets of this magical land and shape the outcome of the story with your choices."

Direct Link
From the developer: "Alterium Shift is the result of our unwavering passion, reflected in the intricately crafted world, engrossing storyline, and immersive gameplay. I'm thrilled to invite you all into this world we've built and am eager to collaborate with our community to further enrich this extraordinary journey!"
They estimate Early Access will last until the end of 2023 or early 2024 depending on what they need to do - they say it's currently about 50% complete. Not sure how I feel about playing through such an RPG when it's not finished, but as always it's a chance for you to try and offer feedback to make it a better game in the end and ensure it works well on Linux.
You can play it on Steam and there's a demo available, with the full game having an option to skip the demo content if you've already done it.

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