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Resident Evil Village and plenty more available in this new bundle

By - | Views: 20,371

Might be finally time for me to play through Resident Evil Village thanks to the Resident Evil: Decades of Horror - Village Edition Bundle from Humble Bundle that's now live. Seems like a pretty good deal if you're a fan of action horror games.

As per usual to save you clicking around below you'll see the expected compatibility on Steam Deck and Linux desktop, along with any ProtonDB rating and noting any Native Linux versions available. Plus each is a Steam link, so you can go see more info on each if you need to.

Here's what you can get

Resident Evil Village (+20% off Winters Expansion)

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 2

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 3

  • steam deck playable Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

  • steam deck playable Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

  • steam deck unsupported Steam Deck Unsupported
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 6

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil Revelations

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition

  • steam deck playable Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Gold

Resident Evil 0

  • steam deck unsupported Steam Deck Unsupported
  • ProtonDB Silver

See the full bundle here if you want to grab it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linas Aug 9, 2023
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As someone who likes horror games, but have never played any of the Resident Evil games, I am tempted.

Where would one even start though? Just play them in chronological order, or it doesn't matter? Any advice?
Klaas Aug 9, 2023
Quoting: LinasAs someone who likes horror games, but have never played any of the Resident Evil games, I am tempted.
As someone who does not like horror games, I can say that I watched someone else play RE2 (2019) on stream. And I didn't think I missed anything by not knowing the original or any other parts.
sarmad Aug 9, 2023
Lots of zombies in this bundle. Glad to see most of it playable.
elmapul Aug 9, 2023
Revelations 2 price is a clickbait, what matter is the price of the DLCs for this one.
Pengling Aug 10, 2023
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Quoting: LinasWhere would one even start though? Just play them in chronological order, or it doesn't matter? Any advice?
One of Resident Evil's strengths is that you can jump in almost anywhere. I started with watching a relative play through Resident Evil 2 back in the 1990s, and that was their first game in the series too. Then we sort of jumped from game-to-game without too much concern for the "correct" order, since it's easy enough to put things together.

The modern remakes are effectively retellings, too, so they're not exactly the same as the 1990s titles - there are plenty of places to get started.
Eri Aug 10, 2023
Quoting: LinasWhere would one even start though? Just play them in chronological order, or it doesn't matter? Any advice?

I would start with Zero or RE1, to see how it was with the tank controls and how the series evolved. And then go on with a chronological order, it's not like the story is super important and most games are "self-contained", but is less messy in order.
ToddL Aug 10, 2023
Quoting: LinasWhere would one even start though? Just play them in chronological order, or it doesn't matter? Any advice?

For someone that's played the series when it was first released back in the PS1 days, I would say start with RE1 since that's where it all begins and after that, you can go in any order after RE1 if you want to know more about the series and its characters. However, get ready for tank control and fixed camera fun because that's pretty much how a lot of RE fans got started in the series.

However, if you start at RE7, you'll be given a different story and character that have little to do with the characters from the previous RE series but they do have some tie-in that I won't go into since it would spoil your experience.
based Aug 11, 2023
Oh look, a bundle I'm actually interested in, thanks GOL!
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