Inspired by Miiverse, MSN messenger, early internet forums and 00's technology VIDEOVERSE this visual novel adventure lets you relive the past internet with the fictional Kinmoku Shark gaming system and its online social network.
As someone who grew up with a lot of the early internet stuff, this game seems quite interesting. The internet today and the way we all interact with it and the community feel of it is nothing like it was.
"VIDEOVERSE is a visual novel game designed around empathy. As the player spends time in the world, they'll discover people in need, form friendships and help create a warmer online community. In particular, there are some friends going through difficult times, and the game helps prepare the player navigate heavy topics on disability, depression and neglect...
Ultimately, VIDEOVERSE's goal is to fill the player with warmth, love and a better understanding into how we can all make video games and online communities friendlier, happier spaces. I hope you'll enjoy the experience!" - KINMOKU
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