Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is an upcoming spin-off of the very popular online co-op mining action game Deep Rock Galactic, and now a public demo is up so you can try it too and you really should try this one.
It's taking the base mechanics and style from Deep Rock Galactic but blending it with a Vampire Survivor-like setting. So you run through a level mining, while fighting off waves of enemies. As you do this you collect gems to level-up, get new weapons, upgrade weapons and more. Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor does things just a bit differently to the rest of the VS clones though, enough to make it quite unique.
Not only does it have destructible terrain to mine through, but you're also collecting resources here too. Once you've finished off a boss, you then get a drop-ship mine down to you that you have to make it into to finish the level. After that, you'll then get the chance to buy some upgrades with your hard-earned mined resources. This prepares you for the next level, where you'll repeat this loop a few times. In contrast to other similar titles having you go through a certain time on one single level, it's a nice tweak to the idea.
On Linux, it works without any issue I can see using Proton Experimental and performance seems great on my desktop.
Meanwhile on Steam Deck testing also with Proton Experimental on SteamOS 3.5 Preview, it's also running very nicely overall. Most of the time sitting around 60FPS, with occasional dips when there's some big explosive action but it soon sorts itself back out. It also looks quite fantastic on the Steam Deck screen, this could easily be my next game to play in bed when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Text could do with being a little bigger though, which I've asked them to do.
Outside of the levels there's also permanent progression too, using the resources collected during a run.
Looks to be another good entry into the reverse-bullet hell / bullet heaven / survivor-like genre. It's due to enter Early Access later this year. The demo will be available from now until after Steam Next Fest in October, and they plan to keep it up for a week or two after it ends so you've got plenty of time to try it out.
Try the demo on Steam.
I found it funny the mockery that the mobs resemble a little more 'chubby' variants of Zerg
Last edited by nwildner on 30 September 2023 at 12:18 am UTC
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