A fresh 1.0.8 version of the Heroes of Might and Magic 2 game engine has been released recently and here're some tips about what's new in the fheroes2 project.
The most noticeable change every player will notice, is the enhanced look of the Save/Load file window. This window was expanded to support much longer filenames and not to be so compressed in size.
The AI in this release became smarter during battles and will kite their shooters if necessary instead of waiting to get hit. On the other hand, on lower difficulties the AI's use of "Dimension door" spell has been given restrictions, making these modes easier.
The team spent a lot of time improving multiple aspects of the UI, including expanding existing translations, adding missing letters in fonts, and making more elements translatable. One of the examples of this work is translated vertical buttons.
The work on the Editor continues. In this release, we completed terrain connections logic to make smooth transitions between terrain types. An interesting fact is that the team is working on the translation part for the Editor in parallel. At the time when we make it accessible to the public, you will be able to use the Editor in a language of your choice.
Besides these major changes, this release contains a lot of small changes to polish the game engine and make the game play even better. Adding High Score for multiplayer game, fixing rendering issues in the Kingdom Overview dialog, speeding up file loading and many more such things are included in this release. All major translations have been updated bringing most of them to 100% coverage.
More than 50 bugs were fixed for this release.
Full change log.
Installation guide.
You do also need to grab the data from GOG.com which it requires to run.
Keep up the good work

They should take fheroes2, drop the code into a second repository and strip out all the Heroes 2 features to make an open source version of Heroes of Might and Magic 1. The engines are very similar, it's just Heroes 1 is a less refined version of Heroes 2.
Hi. These two games are absolutely different regarding the code.
Every single aspect is different in these games: creature characteristics and sprites, their sizes and the number of frames, different castle screens with different structures and their requirements. Battlefield with creatures on it is completely different. AI is also adapted for using only H2 artifacts, creatures, and map objects. UI is different regrading texts/icons alignment and the structure itself. A completely different spell system etc.
The only thing that could be borrowed is rendering principles and basic structure of the AI. But it still should be drastically reworked. The rest should be created from the scratch, as we did working on fheroes2 project.
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