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Paradox Interactive along with Nimble Giant Entertainment have announced that Star Trek: Infinite will be releasing on October 12th. Unlike titles from their in-house first-party development teams, this one will not have Native Linux support. It's built on the foundation of Stellaris, and pretty much looks like Star Trek Stellaris.

Even on the Steam page Paradox touch on this noting that "Star Trek: Infinite is built upon the core systems of Stellaris, leveraging the deep and complex system and making them its own. Aspects of these systems have been streamlined and simplified to better resonate with the Star Trek franchise." — so they're expanding the audience, while making elements of it simpler.

"Beginning decades before the Star Trek: The Next Generation era, Star Trek: Infinite grants players the power to shape the galaxy’s destiny as a faction of their choice. The immersive grand strategy game puts players in the captain’s chair to lead one of four unique Quadrant Powers: The United Federation of Planets, Romulan Star Empire, Cardassian Union, or Klingon Empire. While remaining faithful to Star Trek lore, Star Trek: Infinite introduces fresh avenues for adventure as players can explore the Alpha and Beta quadrants, govern empire dynamics, handle economic intricacies, and engage with undiscovered civilizations."

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Available on Steam for pre-purchase and you get certain rewards if you grab it before release including:

  • Star Trek: Lower Decks uniform options
  • The U.S.S. Cerritos, a science ship with special options for minor nations (Second Contact)
  • A Klingon advisor voice line, “Qapla”

In a preview that Polygon had, they're keen to note it's not just a Star Trek skin on Stellaris. A quote from producer Mats Holm: "We split off from the Stellaris main branch quite a while ago," says Holm. "The Stellaris team is completely focused on making every possible sci-fi theme that you can imagine, put into one game. On Star Trek: Infinite, we want to make the ultimate Star Trek fantasy. We want it to be very bespoke."

I'm something of a Trekkie myself, so I'm hopeful it's a good one and hopeful it works well with Proton.

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Jarmer Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: fabertawe
Quoting: ElectricPrism...I mean. Star Trek has been dead to me for a while now.. especially after the "ActionMan" movies painted Picard as a psychopathic killer instead of a wise diplomat sage....

Star Trek has been action schlock for a while now.

I guess AI/Neural Networks are our only hope or restoring it to its pristine original form about showing moral conundrums and navigating ethically complex situations objectively.

I've finally given up on it after Strange New Worlds had a dancing Klingon boy band - that episode was actually embarrassing. I thought the first series of Discovery was good but it's been going rapidly downhill since. No comparison with the excellent Star Wars stuff that's ongoing.

it's so funny how polarizing that episode is. I absolutely loved every minute of it. Also the crossover episode. Also the rest of the entire season and the rest of the entire show. SNW is my favorite show on right now, by far. And I absolutely loathe the ActionMan movies that were put out with that hack Chris Pine.

Back to this game: Maybe I'll get roasted for this, but I don't really care if they release a native linux port or not, as long as it'll run well on proton (it will), then I'll be very happy to enjoy it :)
Purple Library Guy Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: fabertaweI detest woke but I can't say I've picked up on much in the new Star Wars stuff. If there is any it hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of it as great sci-fi. Star Trek on the other hand is packed with it.
Star Trek has been "woke" since the 60s. That's what it's always been about at the core--equality among all intelligences of whatever race, gender or species, human rights for all, difficult questions about how to get the law to be just but respect persons and such like ethical conundrums. It's when they forget about that stuff and turn it into a shoot-em-up that it goes off the rails. Not that there can't be a good deal of violence in a good Star Trek bit--but it has to be grounded in something.
slaapliedje Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: KimyrielleIt's kinda strange that they'd drop Linux support from an engine already having it. But to be honest, I see no reason to treat this game different than any other Windows-only game I've bought lately. If it runs well in Proton, I am going to get it (sounds a bit similar to Birth of the Federation, which I absolutely loved back then!).

Let's be honest, Proton has made native ports somewhat obsolete.
All Proton does is make us keep chasing the 'best version of Proton'. The best version of a game should always be if the Developers actually properly support the Linux Native build. Sadly, a large percentage of all the native Linux builds we've gotten over the years have not been properly supported (Civilization VI is a great example of this).

Proton will always have regressions. You may have one version of Proton work great for a game... until that game gets patched, then you need to find a different version of Proton. It's a moving target for newer games. Older games may just work and you set them up to work, and they'll just work. But then you also have rolling Linux distros that'll potentially break things as well.
slaapliedje Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: fabertaweI detest woke but I can't say I've picked up on much in the new Star Wars stuff. If there is any it hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of it as great sci-fi. Star Trek on the other hand is packed with it.
Star Trek has been "woke" since the 60s. That's what it's always been about at the core--equality among all intelligences of whatever race, gender or species, human rights for all, difficult questions about how to get the law to be just but respect persons and such like ethical conundrums. It's when they forget about that stuff and turn it into a shoot-em-up that it goes off the rails. Not that there can't be a good deal of violence in a good Star Trek bit--but it has to be grounded in something.
Ha, yeah when they tried to make Star Trek more like Star Wars...

Star Trek has always been the more intellectual of the two franchises. The series in the 60s were ground breaking for many reasons. Like not only did they put women on the bridge of what is in essence a naval vessel, they put a black woman there! TOS is still my favorite series out of all of them. Not sure if it's the 'Old western' feel to it, the fantastical story lines, or the fact that not all of the aliens in it were just some people in makeup (remember the Medusan that was basically a glowing thing in a box, and anyone who saw it would go insane, and Spock had to converse with it to navigate through a dangerous area?).

Original Star Wars trilogy, and even the Prequels had some intelligent world building, and great things undergoing in it. Then the sequel trilogy came out with what was in essence a goddess worship movie... "Hi, I'm some random person, but can totally win a light saber dual, even though I hadn't seen one until the other day..."

New Star Trek (anything that came after the Big Three were canceled and the TNG movies) has all been pretty spotty at best. They should require all of the writers to actually binge watch TOS, TNG and Enterprise at the very least. They should also require that ZERO new stuff about the Borg should be written. Like the Borg are absolutely overdone...

Also, stop messing with Khan. Just stop! The only good thing about Discovery is they finally moved the time period far forward from the Big Three (TNG, DS9, VOY). That is where Discovery should have started.

The 2009+ movies: Their casting was pretty much perfect. It's a shame J.J. Abrams was the head of them... I'd love to see a David Finch or Quentin Tarantino Star Trek Movie...
Kimyrielle Sep 10, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: KimyrielleIt's kinda strange that they'd drop Linux support from an engine already having it. But to be honest, I see no reason to treat this game different than any other Windows-only game I've bought lately. If it runs well in Proton, I am going to get it (sounds a bit similar to Birth of the Federation, which I absolutely loved back then!).

Let's be honest, Proton has made native ports somewhat obsolete.
All Proton does is make us keep chasing the 'best version of Proton'. The best version of a game should always be if the Developers actually properly support the Linux Native build. Sadly, a large percentage of all the native Linux builds we've gotten over the years have not been properly supported (Civilization VI is a great example of this).

Proton will always have regressions. You may have one version of Proton work great for a game... until that game gets patched, then you need to find a different version of Proton. It's a moving target for newer games. Older games may just work and you set them up to work, and they'll just work. But then you also have rolling Linux distros that'll potentially break things as well.

There are Windows games not properly running on newer versions of Windows, so I am not sure how strong a point that really is.

If a game is important enough, the WINE/Proton developers will fix it fairly quickly. If a native Linux version breaks, the devs tended not to care more often than not. Yes, Civ VI is a prime example of that. In my experience as of late, once a game runs in Proton, it tends to stay that way more often than not.

And if people insist on using rolling release distros, they shouldn't be surprised to see stuff break left and right. Comes with the territory. :P
fabertawe Sep 11, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: fabertaweI detest woke but I can't say I've picked up on much in the new Star Wars stuff. If there is any it hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of it as great sci-fi. Star Trek on the other hand is packed with it.
Star Trek has been "woke" since the 60s. That's what it's always been about at the core--equality among all intelligences of whatever race, gender or species, human rights for all, difficult questions about how to get the law to be just but respect persons and such like ethical conundrums. It's when they forget about that stuff and turn it into a shoot-em-up that it goes off the rails. Not that there can't be a good deal of violence in a good Star Trek bit--but it has to be grounded in something.

I get your "point" but I don't consider 60s Star Trek "woke" at all. Far from it. Sixties Star Trek is one of my most beloved 70s childhood TV memories (and what great theme music btw). There is a massive difference between what 60s Star Trek stood for (the vision of equality and fairness) and the madness that's going on today. Anyway, enough off-topic.

Last edited by fabertawe on 11 September 2023 at 10:06 am UTC
Eike Sep 11, 2023
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Quoting: fabertaweI get your "point" but I don't consider 60s Star Trek "woke" at all. Far from it. Sixties Star Trek is one of my most beloved 70s childhood TV memories (and what great theme music btw). There is a massive difference between what 60s Star Trek stood for (the vision of equality and fairness) and the madness that's going on today. Anyway, enough off-topic.

That's what wokeness is all about. The difference is that it nowadays includes people that the Sixties didn't think about (like transgender), and it actually asks for the same rights (like gay marriage). But you can't have equality and fairness without including everybody.

Last edited by Eike on 11 September 2023 at 11:10 am UTC
fabertawe Sep 11, 2023
Quoting: EikeThat's what wokeness is all about. The difference is that it nowadays includes people that the Sixties didn't think about (like transgender), and it actually asks for the same rights (like gay marriage). But you can't have equality and fairness without including everybody.

That's not wokeness. Fairness and equality is just basic common sense and decency.

Wokeness is transgender men competing in women's sport and supporters of it screaming you down if you dare to have an opposing view, for example. This is not the place for this discussion though.
Thyuchev Sep 11, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedjeI'd love to see a David Finch or Quentin Tarantino Star Trek Movie...

Not a Star Trek movie because it's way too serious, and a Tarentino version will be hated by a lot of Star Trek fans. But yes, I'm eager for a sci-fi Tarentino movie!
Purple Library Guy Sep 11, 2023
Quoting: fabertawe
Quoting: EikeThat's what wokeness is all about. The difference is that it nowadays includes people that the Sixties didn't think about (like transgender), and it actually asks for the same rights (like gay marriage). But you can't have equality and fairness without including everybody.

That's not wokeness. Fairness and equality is just basic common sense and decency.

Wokeness is transgender men competing in women's sport and supporters of it screaming you down if you dare to have an opposing view, for example. This is not the place for this discussion though.
The sports thing is just such a marginal bit of bullshit. It is obvious to everyone who isn't a total dupe that this is just people who hate/fear trans coming up with whatever stupid edge case excuse they can scrape up to be bitches about, so they can whip up more general anti-trans feelings, so they can then do the other stuff, like force teachers to rat out trans kids to their parents so they can get beaten up or disowned, and go after libraries for having books that talk about gay or trans issues. And just to be clear, these things are happening now. Not only are books being banned, but where they aren't banned librarians are being threatened by people with guns. Meanwhile the latest anti-woke fad is to pretend teachers are a bunch of evil conspirators who are all busy fiendishly trying to turn kids trans because . . . well, there's never a "because" for these things, apparently teachers all just got into the profession because they're eeeevil. The end game is to take things back to the old days where it was just illegal with jail terms to be caught not being straight.

I mean sure, people can pretend to themselves that for them it's just about the kids' sports, like anyone gives a damn about that, but they have to know deep down that in backing the people whipping up the hysteria, that's the overall agenda they're backing. They just don't want to face themselves--don't have the guts to straight up be bigots and own the evil. I almost respect that less than the ones foaming at the mouth.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 11 September 2023 at 4:48 pm UTC
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