Well, here we go again. Apex Legends just launched the Ignite Update, and with it sadly it seems they messed up Easy Anti-Cheat for Steam Deck / Linux.
I've been sent numerous reports on this from players being kicked, and testing it myself on both Steam Deck and desktop Linux - it will kick you out after matchmaking just before you actually get into a game. All you'll see is the below shot and your only choice is to quit the game.
Pictured - Apex Legends on Steam Deck, broken.
Looking on SteamDB for the update file changes, it seems they removed the needed "easyanticheat_x64.so" file for Linux. This has happened before, and only recently we also had people caught up in a ban-wave that was reversed as well.
So now once again, we play the waiting game until someone at Respawn / EA notice the reports and fix it. Unless it was intentional, we have no idea at this point. The patch notes only mentioned one small anti-cheat update, which was to notify players during a game if a player is removed for cheating.
Currently Apex Legends is Steam Deck Verified.
The trailer for the update is below:

Direct Link
Last edited by mr_MADAFAKA on 31 Oct 2023 at 9:21 pm UTC
Spoiler, click me
Conduit would've said the same!

This is always going to be cat and mouse, with anti-cheat/anti-tampering/anti-piracy shitware. The very nature of it is going to keep it fragile. We're talking about Linux, but things like this malfunction on Windows too, because they are throwing unexpected hooks and routines into the mix and if something on the system isn't exactly right for their trial and error programming, it's going to fail.
Here we go again i guess... made a backup of the .so file before game update, just in case
Currently Apex Legends is Steam Deck Verified.Why?
Looks like fix is in progress. So it was a mistakeThe good news is they care enough to fix it
The bad news is they don't care enough to test before releasing
Ergo: this is going to happen again
Last edited by Marlock on 31 Oct 2023 at 9:52 pm UTC
seems to work played 3/4 games, will update if i get banned.

I just avoid games with this garbage altogether. If it has EAC, battlEye, EOS, or similar, I steer clear.
Currently Apex Legends is Steam Deck Verified.Why?
If you ask me should users be able to report current status of current patch and games should be able to loose verification and have to re earn it if they break compatibility.
It should be able to drop from green to yellow or even not supported and once they fix it can they re-earn their status.
Games break on windows also with updates. Devs forget things, push wrong builds etc. It isn't the first time. taking the verified badge away just for a mistake is kinda weird imo. They are in progress of fixing it.. Taking long time though for a simple file being missing, but shit happens i guess.
i just played a few games - just copied the easyanticheat.so from before the update...
seems to work played 3/4 games, will update if i get banned.
Found the fix here:
Worked for me.
Found the fix here:
Worked for me.
you found a fix from 2 years old reddit thread? the .so file was updated in february and since then it has had thesame sha256sum
i made a backup of the file before update
$ sha256sum ./easyanticheat_x64.so
d971d8d9b4f68021ef3330d500f1c9a2b7e91e484a0d26c0233ad63fe8ac2388 ./easyanticheat_x64.so
people claim it works fine with that sha256sum of the file. I will wait for official fix though, but if anyone is in need of that file.. ask.
People are so fast to talk shit about it imo.I wish I could do business with you. Your money seems to be accessible enough.
Games break on windows also with updates. Devs forget things, push wrong builds etc. It isn't the first time. taking the verified badge away just for a mistake is kinda weird imo. They are in progress of fixing it.. Taking long time though for a simple file being missing, but shit happens i guess.

In my opinion, the fact that this happens repeatedly is even more reason to loose the green check mark.
But of course apologists of giant corporations see it differently: it’s completely okay for me to sell you a product that frequently stops working, because I couldn’t care less about you. Can I sell you a car that just stops running randomly because I “forgot” to click a button again? I mean… it would just be a simple mistake, right?
I wish I had a business where I could scam naïve apologists all day long. With customers like you it’s easy to afford a third yacht.

edit: grammar
Last edited by benstor214 on 1 Nov 2023 at 4:10 pm UTC
I wish I could do business with you. Your money seems to be accessible enough.
In my opinion, the fact that this happens repeatedly is even more reason to loose the green check mark.
But of course apologists of giant corporations see it different: it’s completely okay for me to sell you a product that frequently stops working, because I couldn’t care less about you. Can I sell you a car that just stops running randomly because I “forgot” to click a button again? I mean… it would just be a simple mistake, right?
I wish I had a business where I could scam naïve apologists all day long. With customers like you it’s easy to afford a third yacht.
I didn't try to defend the devs/publisher at all. I was just saying that those things happen in software world.
It's still shitty thing to happen and that the fix is still not applied.
edit: it was more aimed at the comments like
"Yeah, they intentionally removed the file"
Last edited by Xpander on 1 Nov 2023 at 10:37 am UTC
edit: it was more aimed at the comments likeIn that case I agree. This reeks more of incompetency than intention.
"Yeah, they intentionally removed the file"
In this context: If at work my incompetence would shine above all else, the last thing my boss would do is to hang a badge on me that validates my work ethic. No matter if the badge has a green check mark on it or not.
Team is aware and a fix is in progress - Steam Deck and Linux. Don't have more that I can share atm, but we'll keep the Trello updated.
Nice they also mention Linux and not only Steam Deck.
People playing with the old .so file just fine. How come its so hard for them to just fix that issue...
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