Not long after Overwatch 2 released on Steam, we now have Diablo 4 confirmed to be launching on Steam making it easier than ever to play on Steam Deck and desktop Linux. One less reason to boot up and configure — hooray!
At least with it being on Steam, the install for Linux desktop and Steam Deck is about to get a whole lot easier. No more messing around with directly, it will just be click and play on Steam thanks to Proton. If you're going to play it that is, because you're not still playing Baldur's Gate 3 right? Or Starfield? Or one of the many other interesting game launches this year.
What's surprising though is that Diablo 4 is coming to Steam only a few months after release.
Perhaps this might go a little better than the Overwatch 2 Steam release, which quickly (at the time) became the worst ever reviewed game on Valve's store. OW2 briefly lost the crown, but it appears according to Steam Top 250, it is once again the #1 worst rated Steam game.
The Steam release for Diablo 4 will come at the same time as the Season of Blood update, with patch notes coming on October 10th ahead of the October 17th release on Steam.
Blizzard confirmed on Steam it will have Steam Achievements and integration with Steam Friends, so you can invite people directly to play. Doesn't seem like there's any chance of transferring to Steam if you purchased on though, annoyingly.
You can see a previous video I did on Diablo 4 for Steam Deck below:

Direct Link
Will you be picking up Diablo 4 when it comes to Steam? Let me know in the comments.
Follow / wishlist Diablo 4 on Steam.
Last edited by drlamb on 4 Oct 2023 at 8:51 pm UTC
Actvision-Blizzard didnt even bother to release the previous three games and their expansions on steam to sweeten the release for steam users. Get the entire collection for the first time on steam with a discount launch day price, if they did that i think most steam users would forgive all the downsides that come with diablo 4.
I just wish Blizzard had released a native Linux launcher, they could easily support all their games through Proton. It's a shame to hear negative reviews of D4 on here, I certainly hope it's not that bad.
Well, then this is a "No", my friend.
I'm curious how big the review bombing of Diablo4 will be.
Will it remove OW2 from it's "worst game" throne? *preparing Popcorn for that*
This is not Blizzard making games, but Activision using necromancy to play around with it's corpse.
If I want a good Diablo experience, there's tons of games that satisfy that already, for a fraction of its price in money and time. Thank god we never had a monopoly in the genre.
being absolutely blown out is our last hope for the blizz properties to ever become good again
Doesn't seem like there's any chance of transferring to Steam if you purchased on though, annoyingly.Well, that sucks.
Last edited by ElectricPrism on 5 Oct 2023 at 4:57 am UTC
Diablo 4, no thanks hehe.
I'm conflicted here, because I love the Starcraft and Diablo series and so have all but D4 on (I was waiting for the price to drop). Because of OCD it would trigger me to have only one of their games on Steam, but it would be so much more convenient from a compatibility and ease of install point of view.I used to love Blizzard games, played Diablo starting with D1. Massive nostalgia, made me buy D4 even after the disappointment that was D3 (even post expansion).
I just wish Blizzard had released a native Linux launcher, they could easily support all their games through Proton. It's a shame to hear negative reviews of D4 on here, I certainly hope it's not that bad.
I find it amusing how the design of D4 renders it perfect at circumventing Steam's refund policy as the initial couple of hours are the most (possibly only) fun you'll have with it - it's the time before you get kicked in the teeth by the level scaling, the realization that the concept of leveling *up* is no longer a thing no matter what certain numbers are saying, or by how thoughtlessly abysmal the itemization really is. And a bunch of other issues.
It's just that the more you play D4, the worse it gets - that's *terrible* for this type of game, and especially for one intended to be an endless (until unplugged) service. It is an example of truly bad design, and I think the best they could do in terms of salvage... is to get it patched up to the level of quality or fun and maybe mechanical cohesion of D3 - another lacking affair in my view. And from the looks of the patch notes it's what they might be going for. And even that is liable to be a huge undertaking with this foundation.
Maybe get it on a *deep* discount for the campaign, but be prepared there's basically nothing to do once you're done with it, that it's bordering on bloated, so doing it all straight will probably break you (and doesn't seem the intended way of playing), and that it's not really a complete story despite that. Yet. The writing does not match D2 (not to mention D1), but is a bit better than in D3? The sidequest bloat kind of works if you spread out those sidequests throughout the endgame, do a quest inbetween some activities or while grinding, but the game currently has nothing interesting going on in when it comes to its endgame. Just mindless grind built atop of several self-defeating systems. Beyond the betas and some playing around I got a single character as high as lvl 70, and that was... 15 tedious levels of me not having any fun? I just gave up at some point.
All that said, I generally liked the art and absolutely adore the music - easily the single best part of the game for me.
So... be careful with D4, is all I'm saying.
But it also true that both SC2 and Diablo3 were quite shitty at the beginning, yet they were silently fixed into absolute gems over the years. It just required the games to fade out of the attention of greedy boardroom members. Once the urge to monetize at all costs is removed out of the equation, the good designers are free to do their magic. Maybe that will happen with Diablo4 as well.
I won't buy it until then ofc.

I'm conflicted here, because I love the Starcraft and Diablo series
Don't get blinded - that Blizzard from those times doesn't exist anymore...
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