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Harebrained Schemes were acquired by Paradox Interactive back in 2018 and now they're set to part ways, after the disappointing launch of The Lamplighters League.

Harebrained Schemes developed titles like BATTLETECH, Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall and more but it seems like the partnership with Paradox has not gone well overall. Paradox announced earlier this month on October 10th how bad the launch of The Lamplighters League went noting in a press release:

Paradox Interactive has today decided to write down capitalized development costs for the game The Lamplighters League, in addition to the regular degressive amortization done during the game’s first three months. Overall, this will result in that all of the game’s capitalized development costs of MSEK 320 will be recognized as costs in the fourth quarter of 2023. The game’s impact on profit before tax for the fourth quarter is estimated to MSEK -248. The write-down stems from a revised sales forecast, which was established after the game’s release.

The Lamplighters League is a fun game with many strengths. Even though we see cautiously positive player numbers in subscription services, the commercial reception has been too weak, which is frankly a big disappointment. Game projects are by their nature always risky, but at the end of the day we haven’t performed at the level we should. It is painful but makes us more eager to roll up our sleeves and do better,” says Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive.

Pictured - The Lamplighters League

On Steam, The Lamplighters League has less than 200 user reviews, which is really bad.

With today's announcement, they're going to entirely part ways on January 1st, 2024. Paradox will keep ownership of The Lamplighters League and other games developed by the studio while Harebrained Schemes look towards "new publishing, partnership, and investment opportunities".

From the press release sent out today:

“Paradox has refocused its strategy towards its core niches within strategy and management games with endless qualities,” said Charlotta Nilsson, COO of Paradox. “We and HBS’ leadership have been discussing what would happen after the release of The Lamplighters League, but a new project or sequel in the same genre was not in line with our portfolio plans. Hence, we believe that a separation would be the best way forward. We’re very happy that this talented, gifted studio has the chance to continue and can’t wait to see what they will make next.”

“Harebrained Schemes will support The Lamplighters League through the end of the year while we seek funding and partnerships for an independent future in 2024," said Brian Poel, Studio Operations Manager of HBS. “Our studio mission remains the same: to make games that challenge your mind and touch your heart.”

There's other news though, which is that Harebrained Schemes had a significant amount of staff let go before the release of The Lamplighters League. This was shared by a former staff member in a forum post on ResetEra, confirmed by PC Gamer.

So tough times ahead for Harebrained Schemes.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Kimyrielle Oct 17, 2023
What a shame. Their Shadowrun games were fantastic.
Jarmer Oct 17, 2023
This is so sad. I absolutely loved the Shadowrun games. I hope that somehow, some way, at some time, the veterans behind those games get together and do another in that universe.

Funny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior that prevented me from purchasing Lamplighter. So maybe HBS can pick up and move to a better home!
eldaking Oct 17, 2023
Wow, I admit that it looks like a terrible launch but taking all of one week to throw it all away is shocking. AAA development is wild.

I'll say that I hadn't noticed the game was out (was thinking maybe next year or something), and I was looking forward to it. Well, more like curious than "anxiously waiting", but I am quite dedicated in following tactical games, Paradox and HBS, so missing a release like that looks like a big marketing fail.

People seem to be complaining of technical problems with the game (bugs, performance issues). Combined with not a lot of marketing and with the mass firings, to me it speaks of very troubled development. I'd guess that the bad release was less of a surprise to Paradox than it was a last chance that HBS didn't hit.
Arehandoro Oct 17, 2023
I wonder if Paradox sees the looming recession very threatening after The Lamplighters debacle and will try to focus on their original strengths and niche genres.

At the same time, I don't think the game had enough publicity, and potential Paradox costumers aren't the same. A shame, nonetheless, I liked the idea of the game and was hoping to be rather decent.
Purple Library Guy Oct 17, 2023
Well damn.

I'm kind of surprised it's out and I didn't know. F'rinstance, usually an HBS/Paradox release would be covered on, well, GamingOnLinux. Maybe it was a victim of that RSS feed thing Liam mentioned.
Kimyrielle Oct 17, 2023
I also had no clue about the game's release. That's not all that surprising in my case. I am notoriously hard to reach with marketing (I ad-block everything, barely watch any TV, don't listen to radio, and don't do social media except Discord and a few reddits that interest me). The only game-related news site I am following is gamingonlinux. Anything else, if it does not make it to the Steam frontpage, I have a good chance never to notice.

Still, the game seems to be kinda decent, so I am really wondering what made it fail so hard. I can see where it won't appeal to Paradox's core audience, but this can't be the only reason, no?
Liam Dawe Oct 17, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library GuyWell damn.

I'm kind of surprised it's out and I didn't know. F'rinstance, usually an HBS/Paradox release would be covered on, well, GamingOnLinux. Maybe it was a victim of that RSS feed thing Liam mentioned.
I didn’t cover the release as I just wasn’t interested in it, and had plenty of other stuff to cover. My inbox is constantly overflowing at the moment…
melkemind Oct 17, 2023
Companies cut cost and lay off employees. Meanwhile, people have less money and are less likely to spend it on an unproven game developed by a deliberately understaffed studio.

Just like most game releases in the past couple of years, the problem is with expectations. These capitalist corporations expect to continue making record profit even while average people struggle to pay rent and buy food.
Brokatt Oct 17, 2023
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Quoting: JarmerThis is so sad. I absolutely loved the Shadowrun games. I hope that somehow, some way, at some time, the veterans behind those games get together and do another in that universe.

Funny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior that prevented me from purchasing Lamplighter. So maybe HBS can pick up and move to a better home!

Why? There's only a digital artbook and soundtrack available as DLC. Not very scammy IMHO.

I ignored this game because it looked boring, the style was bland and it had a weird name. I much would have preferred a less comedic setting with a little more horror to it.
scaine Oct 17, 2023
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Quoting: JarmerFunny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior
What what? Predatory how? A scam??

Paradox are one of the few publisher's with a well established, regular, value add DLC regime. They support their games YEARS after release. Stellaris, for example, released over 7 years ago, but some of the DLC modules released are just £9 yet add swathes of content.

I wish other publishers would take note instead of trying monetise micro-transactions.

I'll take properly thought out DLC any day over cosmetic shite, Battle passes and "Seasons".
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