Tiny Life is basically The Sims but what if made by an indie dev and pixel-art? Currently in Early Access with Native Linux support and Steam Deck Verified. The latest update is a goodie too that will expand your building quite a lot.
No longer are you constrained to a single floor. You can now build the multi-floor mansion of your dreams. Something like that anyway, or maybe just a new upstairs bedroom since your little pixel people decided to breed another smaller pixel person.
Screenshots (click them to enlarge):
Pictured is Yellore's Cottage from the Steam Workshop.
That's not all as the developer also vastly improved the fence building system and added in new various pieces of new furniture, the ability to adopt, more hair and skin colour options, a Simplified Chinese translation, you can now invite multiple people over at once, an improved sound-track and of course lots of bug fixing.
More to it that you can read in their blog post.
Tiny Life is going to continue getting bigger with the roadmap detailing more complex relationships, more life stages, more worlds, lots more skills, better transport and eventually even multiplayer.

Little Computer People
Thank you for reminding me of [Little Computer People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Computer_People). I played this game with my children on the Commodore 64.
One interesting thing mentioned in the Wikipedia article is:
Copy protectionI know this was not the case on the Commodore 64 version... Not that my copy of the game was pirated, of course.
In pirated copies of the game on the Atari ST (and possibly other platforms) the game would load, but the character would simply stand knocking on the screen and wagging a finger at the player disapprovingly.
Games like these make me realize how bad I am at interior design.
Their Minecraft house: breathtaking Rivendell recreation
My Minecraft house: box made of dirt
Warning: Rant ahead
TL;DR: Caveat emptor as always, I guess.
Spoiler, click me
Recently, I have become more concerned about games publishing on itch initially, and when a certain publicity has been reached, switch over to Steam, and Steam only. Sometimes as a gradual transition, sometimes as a hard cut, and sometimes even with all previous hints and traces vanishing from itch entirely.
Share your mods using the game's Steam Workshop integration
Install mods from community members to enhance your gameplay
About Purchases on itch
When purchasing Tiny Life on itch, access to the game and all future updates will be linked to your itch account.
Please note that the most recently released version may be a preview build. It's recommended to install the itch app to select the game version to use. For more info, see the documentation article.
For a limited time, you will also receive a free Steam key for Tiny Life along with your purchase.
Maybe as somewhat of a deal sweetener, the version you get on itch.io comes with a Steam key, but to me that feels almost like a threat – just short of other games that published on itch.io initially, then pulled from there to become Steam exclusives after the fact.
I've had a couple of these now, and it feels like it's becoming a trend – test the waters on itch, and when it feels right, go full Steam ahead and just ignore the hassle of keeping itch updated or even available at all. Certainly within the rights of the dev, but morally questionable and definitely not helping maintain a healthy ecosystem.
AFAIK it requires a monetary investment to publish on Steam, so in my opinion there's nothing wrong with waiting with a Steam release in addition to releasing on other platforms; but it feels like a slap in the face to me if I pay for something on itch, only to have it pulled from my hands and forced through Steam later on.
I'm not saying this is what is going to happen here, just that I've been burnt several times in a row now, and seeing the Steam carrot dangled in front of me so obviously, I was extremely hesitant to bite, although I eventually did in the end ;)
@Ellpeck, thank those 'colleagues' for poisoning the well, and don't become one of them.
@everybody else, apologies for the (hopefully unrelated) rant, I had to get that out there.
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